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Scott and Stiles's fathers arrived at the school ready to arrest Violet. Ava came back through the doors near the boys locker room and found all the players trying to get in but coach was keeping them out saying they'd have to get their stuff the next day.

Ava pushed past her teammates and she looked around the corner to where she saw Scott talking to his dad.

"Dad, really. I'm okay." Scott said.

"I should've been here." The man stammered. "And I said I would be at the games."

"Well, I mean this was just a pre-season scrimmage. I didn't even tell you about it." Scott told him.

"But I promised your mum I'd be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been here."

"You're here now." Scott said.

Deputy Parrish and the sheriff (Stiles's dad) walked out the locker room escorting Violet out.

Ava saw the look Violet gave Scott and was quite shocked. Ava and Violet were quite good friends before all of this.

When the sheriff and Scott's dad walked away from Scott, Ava walked over to him.

"Where's Kira?" Scott asked.

"She took off." Ava said. "Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the dead pool."

"Her mum's on it." Scott realised.

"Everyone's on it." Ava said nervously.

"You're not."

"Not yet. There's still another third, right?" Ava asked.

Ava and Scott both listened in the sheriff and Scott's dad questioning Violet, about the weapon she used, a thermo-cut wire.

Scott got Ava to stand guard in the boys locker room so he could break in and look through Garrett's locker.

"I think someone's coming." Ava said quietly to Scott when she heard voices getting close. "Hurry."

"You find anything?" Ava asks him as he's still crouched looking in the locker.

"No." Scott said. "Nothing."

Ava had convinced Mason to come on a run with her the next morning.

"It's not just that we were friends with them." Mason said as they were running along a country lane. "They were using us for their cover." Mason was talking about Violet and Garrett. "I mean, professional killers were using us. How are you not freaking out about that?"

"Trust me." Ava said. "I'm freaking out about a lot."

Ava started pumping her arms and legs faster and she could hear Mason's shouts of her name getting quieter the further away she got.

Ava stopped running and she turned around and looked back the way she came and she couldn't see Mason anywhere near.

All of sudden a car comes out of no where and runs into Ava's back, throwing her in the air and her body rolls on the ground as she groans in pain.

Ava manages to stand back up but it's a struggle. She looks over at the car that's now stopped and she sees Garrett get out.

"Hey, Ava." He said smirking.

Ava tried to run but her leg was hurt quite bad and Garrett easily caught her and stabbed her in the leg. Ava screamed and Garrett started dragging her to his car.

Ava started growling and fighting against him. Garrett seemed surprised she was able to still fight after being injured quite extensively.

Ava pushed him away from her and punched him in the face then took off running, not noticing that her phone was no longer in her pocket.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now