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Ava was walking through the school corridor with Mason quickly following her with a book in his hands. When Ava and the pack were in Mexico she did ring Mason to look for Lydia and he did find her and ended up seeing a berserker so now he's all curious about the possibility of supernatural occurrences.

"This is the one I was telling you about." Mason said. "I got I from a rare book dealer in Germany. Cost me 200 bucks, but it was totally worth it."

"You're still going on about this stuff?" Ava asked.

"I was attacked by an armour-plated giant wearing a bear skull. It left an impression." Mason told her. "Look. Look." He pointed at a page in the book. "Have you seen anything like this?"

"Uh, no. Never." Ava said and started walking towards their classroom.

"And then there's this whole section about the Nagual." Mason said when they were in the doorway. "Have you ever heard of the name Tezcat..." Mason tried to read the word out but struggled.

"Tezcatlipoca." Ava said briefly glancing at the book. "No. No, I never heard of him."

"Take your seats, everyone." Mr Yukimura said from the front of the classroom.

Mason sat at a desk and Ava was about to sit next to him when she saw the girl on the other side of where she was planning to sit.

"Shit." Ava said quietly and looked around the room for another seat.

Ava was still stood behind the chair when the girl flipped her hair over her shoulder and saw Ava stood there.

"Hayden." Ava nodded at the girl who just blew a bubble with the pink gum she had in her mouth.

"Mason." Ava mumbled to her best friend trying to get him to switch seats but he just looked amused.

"Ava." Mr Yukimura said. "You're not gonna just stand there, are you?"

"Yes." Ava said awkwardly.

"The whole semester?"

"I guess." Ava could feel her face going red as everyone turned to look at her.

"Ava, have a seat." Mr Yukimura instructed kindly.

Ava sat down but then she suddenly felt uncomfortable. She sat up slightly and looked at her chair and saw Hayden's pink gum sticking to her jeans.

Ava turned to look at the girl who was just grinning.

"Shut up." Ava whispers to Mason who's smirking at her.

After class Ava makes Mason walk right behind her so nobody can see the gum on her arse. As they're walking towards the girls locker room Mason starts talking about his suspicions again, saying how Lydia knows things.

"Shouldn't you focus on other things?" Ava asked as they walked. "Like the soccer team." She points to the boys walking by them.

"What do you think I'm going to do? Follow them out to the field and watch them practice while I pretend to study?" Mason asks eyeing some of the players.

"It's warm out. They'll probably be shirtless." Ava smirks over her shoulder at him.

They get to the girls locker room and Ava looks in her locker but she has no spare sports clothes or anything to put on. Mason is waiting outside guarding the door for her.

Ava gets her phone out and messages Kira to see whether she has any clothes in her locker, the Kitsune replies quickly with a no. Ava calls Scott then.

"Ava, you okay?"

"Um, yeah, I'm fine. Just, could... do you have any spare shorts or anything I could borrow."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now