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"Are you guys okay?" Ava asked Mason and Corey as she went over to them.

"Yeah, I think so." Mason said looking at Corey who smiled back in agreement. "Any phones working yet?"

Ava checked her phone and found that she now had service again and a couple messages from Scott came through.

"They've beat the Anukite and they're at the school." Ava reiterated Scott's message to Mason and Corey as Theo, Nolan and Melissa came over to them.

"Grab their guns." Melissa instructed the kids and they all started gathering the guns from the unconscious hunters around the hospital.

Parrish, the Sheriff and Agent McCall found them all not long later and began collecting the unlicensed firearms from the kids.

"We've got it from here. You guys go find Scott." Melissa told Ava. 

Ava, Theo, Mason, Corey and Nolan made their way out of the hospital and to the car park.

Nolan stood in front of them looking uncomfortable. "Sorry for everything. I-I'll be going then." He mumbled with a shaky breath as he looked at Theo who was watching him intently.

Nolan walked away to his car and Ava was going to let him go but she quickly ran after him and grabbed his arm gently. He froze initially under touch but when he saw she was smiling slightly at him when he turned he relaxed.

"Thanks, Nolan." Ava said sincerely. "And I'm sorry about Gabe."

"Thanks." Nolan said with a sad smile. "He just got caught up in everything..."

"Nolan, he was your friend, it's okay to be upset. But on a happier note, I hope you realise you won't be captain alone anymore." Ava said with big grin on her face making Nolan laugh, a real laugh. 

"I wouldn't expect anything else." Nolan said and got in his car and opened the window so he could speak to Ava. "I really should go now. Theo's glaring at me."

Ava looked over her shoulder at Theo who was staring at Nolan with annoyance. Mason and Corey were watching with curious expressions. "Just ignore him." Ava told Nolan. "That's what we all do."

Nolan chuckled and then finally drove away. Ava went back over to Theo, Mason and Corey.

"So, it's over." Mason sighed with relief.

"It's over." Ava agreed. "Let's get to the school."

Ava and Theo go to his car and they found Mason's car next to it.

"See you guys there." Ava said to Mason and gave him a hug.

They all got in their designated cars and Theo and Mason started driving to the school to find Scott. Just as they were driving away, Ava noticed her step fathers car arrive at the hospital for his late shift and she was relieved that there was no more danger there that he could encounter.

Ava was looking out the window, biting her bottom lip nervously when she realised how quiet it was in the car. She could feel Theo's eyes on her but he didn't say anything and she didn't know what to say about what happened in the elevator. Ava decided to text Scott when the silence became too overbearing, to let him know they were on the way and Scott messaged her back telling them to go to the library when they got there. It didn't take long to get to the school, Mason pulled up next to where Theo parked and the four of them got out and started walking into the school.

"Ava, your hairs a mess." Mason suddenly said as they pushed the school doors open going inside.

Ava felt her cheeks flush as she ran her hand through her wavy hair to try and contain the mess as Mason called it.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now