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Ava woke up and looked around quickly to make sure Theo wasn't near her. It took a few minutes but she realised she was no longer in Theo's bedroom she was in her own room. Ava's eyebrows screwed together in confusion.

Ava got dressed after checking her phone to see she had about 50 missed calls from her friends, Mason and Malia left messages asking her to call them back. The last voicemail from Malia said that she knew what happened and if Ava wanted Malia would torture Theo. Ava then went downstairs. Her mum was sat at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

"Hey mum." Ava said.

Olivia Dunbar looked up and smiled at her daughter. "Hey sweetie."

"How did I get home?" Ava asked confused.

"Your friend brought you back." Olivia said.

"Mason?" Ava asked confused knowing Mason didn't know where she was from all the voicemails he left.

"No, now what was his name?" Olivia trailed off in thought.

"Scott." Ava suggested, hoping that Scott had found her and rescued her from Theo.

"No, but he's a lovely boy." Olivia said remembering when she met Scott McCall.

"Theo." Olivia suddenly exclaimed and Ava's eyes widened in surprise.

"Theo brought me back?" Ava asked.

"Yes. He carried you up to your room and everything." Olivia said happily.

God what a creep.

He probably looked through my stuff.

I'm gonna be sick.

I'm gonna kill Scott and Stiles.

"I'll see you later mum." Ava said quickly then left the house.

Ten minutes later she got to Scott's house and she knocked the door rapidly.

The door opened and Scott appeared, when he noticed Ava he had a look of relief on his face. Scott was about to hug her when her fist collided with his cheek and he fell to the floor.

"Whoa, Ava!" Stiles exclaimed from behind her as he just pulled up in the jeep and quickly jumped out.

Ava spun around and glared at Stiles who quickly held his hands up in surrender.

"Did you guys even try to find me?" She demanded.

"Of course we did!" Scott exclaimed as he stood up rubbing his cheek.

"How did you escape?" Stiles asked looking excited. "Did you kill Theo? Have you took Theo hostage for revenge? You could definitely take him! Ava you're pretty awesome! Don't hit me!"

"I woke up this morning in bed, apparently Theo brought me home." Ava shivered. "My mum said he carried me up to bed."

"He's like obsessed with you." Stiles said. "Did he take one of your bras or anything?"

"STILES!" Scott and Ava screamed and the awkward boy jumped back in shock.

"Both of your come inside, we need to talk." Scott ordered.

"How did Theo bring them back?" Scott asked once the three were sat in his room.

"He injected something in them." Ava said. "Is Lydia going to be okay? I tried to help her."

Stiles wrapped his arm around Ava's shoulders and pulled her into his side protectively.

"It's Lydia." Stiles said firmly. "Of course she'll be okay."

"Oh god." Ava suddenly started crying. "What am I gonna tell Val? Hayden's gone. He said he'd bring her back to me."

"Maybe we still can." Scott said optimistically. "We just need to find wherever Theo got the stuff from. Is her body still at the Nemeton?"

"When he took me away Hayden and the others were still there. The Nemeton stays hidden, so she'll be okay. But what do I tell her sister?"

"I'll sort it out." Scott promised.

Ava buried her head in Stiles's chest and cried for a few minutes and Scott rubbed her back whilst Stiles stroked her hair gently.

"Ava, we're going to get Kira tomorrow." Scott said once she'd calmed down. "Her dad told us that her mom took her out to New Mexico, to this place called Shiprock. They're trying to figure out a way to help her, but it's dangerous. So we're gonna go find her and bring her back."

"Okay, what time are we going?" She asked.

"Just us, Ava." Scott said.

"Can't I help?" Ava asked.

"No, you need to go to school and act like everything's normal. So Theo doesn't get suspicious." Scott told her.

"Are you mad at me?" Ava asked her alpha.

"Why would I be mad at you?" Scott asked avoiding the question.

"Because I tried to kill you." Ava said.

"And she thought you were in love with her." Stiles said making the two werewolves blush.

"I'm not mad." Scott assures her. "Theo manipulated you. It wasn't your fault."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now