17|Finding Ava

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Ava groaned as she woke up, her hands went to rub her sore neck, but she froze when one of her hands was restrained and she couldn't move it far.

Ava's eyes opened in surprise. She looked around the unfamiliar room in panic, she looked at her arm and saw if handcuffed to the post of the bed she was lay on. Ava started growling and pulling on the handcuff violently.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and Theo walked in looking around the room concerned.

When Ava saw him she felt her eyes glowing in her anger.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked as he came to sit by her.

Ava tried to claw him with her free hand but he caught her wrist swiftly.

"What's wrong?" Ava demanded with wide eyes. "What's wrong is I was kidnapped by a fucking lunatic!" Ava screamed at him. "When Scott finds out about this..."

"Scott's dead." Theo interrupts harshly.

"What?" Ava asks softly.

"I killed him." Theo gloats. "And I haven't kidnapped you I just brought you here whilst you were unconscious. I couldn't exactly take you to your house in that state could I?"

"You're the one that strangled me!" Ava snapped.

"Ava." Theo cooed and stroked her cheek.

Ava tried to move away from him but she couldn't really move with the position she was in.

"I didn't want to hurt you, but you were getting hysterical." Theo said.

"Because you lied to me!" Ava screeched. "You said you'd bring Hayden back to me." Tears started running down Ava's face.

"Can you let me go?" Ava asked shaking her hand that was being restrained.

"Not just yet." Theo said.

Ava started pulling as hard as she could on the handcuffs but they wouldn't budge.

"Wait... how did you kill Scott?" Ava asked.

"I went back after you left the library." Theo started to explain.

"What about Mason?!" Ava demanded. "He was there when I left. I swear if you touched him I'll kill you myself!"

Theo stood up from the bed and Ava jumped up as well as far as she could with the restraint. She reached out with her free hand to grab him but he stood out of her reach.

Theo left the room for a minute but returned with a needle. Ava fell back on the bed as he stepped closer to her. Theo leaned over her and grabbed her by the back of the neck and injected the liquid into her system.

Ava gasped and pulled away from him. "What was that?"

"Just some wolfsbane." Theo said. "Just to weaken you for a while, so when I'm not here you can't break free. I just need to see to something then you can go."

Theo left after that and Ava reached into her pocket for her phone, she was surprised it was still there, she thought Theo would have took it.

Ava rang Stiles who answered after a few rings.



"Where are you Ava, Mason has been freaking out."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now