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Ava woke up the next morning by someone banging on her bedroom door. Ava wasn't properly awake so she rolled back over into the warmth of her bed that she wasn't used to. In her incoherence she wrapped her arms around the person in her bed and buried her head in their chest, barely noticing when their arms wrapped around her securely. Ava nearly went back to sleep with rhythmic beat of the persons heart under her head when there was a knock at her door again and she heard her mother's voice.

"Ava, are you awake?" Olivia said from the other side of the door. 

"I'm awake." Ava called out with her eyes closed.

"Scott and the Sheriff's son are here." Olivia explained. "Did you give them a key for the house? David caught them trying to get in."

Ava went to say something when she felt the vibrations from the chest of the person she was laying on as they laughed quietly. All the memories of the night before came back to Ava and she was filled with lots of different emotions. Worried, that Theo was only using her for sex and that he'd used her. Scared that she'd made a mistake. But when she could feel the happiness coming off of Theo she knew he was genuine and she relaxed against his chest with a small smile on her face until she realised what her mother said.

"I forgot about that." Ava mumbled to herself as the memory of Stiles barging in on an intimate moment between Ava and Hayden came to mind. "Did they say what they needed?"

"No, just that it was important they speak with you as soon as possible." Olivia said. "Like life or death important."

Ava froze when she heard her door handle turning and she starting pushing at Theo's chest and pulling her duvet higher up over them both as she rolled onto her back, trying to hide Theo from her mother who entered her room.

"Morning." Ava grinned widely at her mother who looked at the her daughter suspiciously.

"Sweetie, it's past midday." Olivia smirked. "I've been called back into the office for a few hours, but I have the next few days off."

"O-okay." Ava stammered out when she felt Theo's hot breath on her bra covered chest.

"David's down in the kitchen with the boys, so go down when you're ready. Love you, sweetie." Olivia said as she stepped outside of Ava's room but turned back to look in the open doorway.

"Love you, mom." Ava said and sighed in relief when her door shut.

"Good bye, Theo." Olivia called from outside the door.

Theo popped up from under the covers and grinned down at Ava who's face turned red even though her mother couldn't see them.

"See you later, Mrs Dunbar." Theo replied whilst smirking at Ava who looked mortified at being caught.

"Oh, my god." Ava groaned and covered her face with her hands. "I'm never leaving this room."

"It's not that bad." Theo told her and grabbed her wrists and pulled hands away from her face.

Keeping hold of her hands he pushed them down onto her pillows and he kissed her softly in comparison to the rough kisses from the night before, not that Ava minded. Ava kissed back for a while until they pulled apart and she knew that they had to get up, also Scott was probably listening in.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now