23|Charity Game

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After finding out that Hayden was alive, Ava tried to get in contact with her but wasn't having much luck, so she hoped Hayden would reach out to her soon.

"He's headed to the school." Scott said when he got the message from Chris.

Ava was currently in the back of the jeep as they waited for the alert from Chris.

"Why's Parrish headed to the school?" Ava asked as she leaned in between the gap in Scott and Stiles's seats.

"It's not Parrish. At least not right now." Scott said.

"Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the school?" Ava asked again.

"Cause he's got a yearning for higher education." Stiles said sarcastically. "Ava, Hellhound's at the school, so, we're going to the school. Okay?"

Stiles drove them to the school and they got out of the jeep. Ava closed the door harder than she intended making it bang loudly and she immediately cringed.

Scott and Stiles turned to look at her with annoyance and disbelief but Scott had a bit of amusement in his eyes.

"Sorry." Ava whispered.

Stiles scoffed and they walked silently towards the school and they saw Chris coming towards them.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asked.

"I lost him." Chris said. "He's moving too fast."

"Scott." Ava said when she noticed something behind her. "That guys not moving at all."

They all silently approached the body on the ground and walked past and saw another body further away.

"Look." Ava said when she noticed the pile of bodies covered in blood on the school bus.

"Help me." One of the people who was still alive gasped out.

"It's a trap." Parrish said appearing from nowhere.

"Please." The boy gasped.

"You can't help him." Parrish hissed and then The Beast appeared and ripped the dying boy in half.

"That's big." Stiles hissed. "No one said it was that big."

"I did." Ava whispered to Stiles.

The Beast roared and Parrish lit up with fire and roared loudly back. Parrish ran at The Beast swiftly you try and fight it.

"What the hell's happening?" Scott asked.

"It's getting smarter." Chris said.

Ava had met up with Mason at school the next day and he told her of his theory and what he thinks is going to happen at her lacrosse game against Devenford Prep.

"Mason said it's not just a transmitted frequency." Ava told Scott, Stiles and Lydia in the library. "It's high powered. Like it has to be a really strong signal."

"And that's causing it to shift?" Lydia asked.

"No. I don't think it's just that." Scott said. "Last night Argent said that it's getting smarter. What if the Dread Doctors are trying to make the Beast grow faster?"

"With frequencies?" Stiles asked.

"No, by shifting. The frequency is just the trigger." Scott said. "The important part is when it shifts into the werewolf."

"Like Peter." Lydia realised.

"Right." Scott agreed. "Yeah, when Peter was an alpha, he got stronger every full moon. Eventually, the burns healed and he was back to normal."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now