51|Chocolates and Roses

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Ava kept hold of Isaac underneath her whilst she waited for Scott to answer Theo's phone call.

"You're really strong." Isaac said after he realised he couldn't fight Ava off him and gave up and just kept still underneath her until they could get a hold of Scott.

"I know." Ava said proudly as she kept a tight told on the tall man.

"So, who are you guys?" Isaac asked kindly when he heard the ringing of the phone still going.

"I'm Ava Dunbar. And that's Theo." Ava said and finally let Isaac up when she realised he seemed genuine and wasn't out to get them.

"Hey, Theo."

They finally heard Scott's voice come through the phone after Theo calling him five times.

"Did you guys find anything?" Scott asked.

"We found another werewolf." Theo said whilst sending Isaac suspicious looks.

"Have you guys got it handled? Where's Ava? She can take one werewolf, Theo. What's the matter with you?"

Ava laughed at Theo's expression then took the phone from him to talk to her Alpha. "Hey, Scott. This guy we've found stalking us in the woods said he knows you. His name's Isaac."

"Shit. Isaac. Is he still with you?" Scott asked. "Or have you scared him off?"

"Isaac?" Stiles's voice came through the phone. "What's he doing there? I thought he disappeared off the face of the earth."

"Stiles we can hear you." Ava said and they heard Stiles yelp in reply. "And, yes, Scott he's still here. But how do we know it's actually him and not like some creep trying to kidnap me or something? I mean... it happens a lot. Like seriously, since meeting you guys I've been kidnapped a lot. I'm not trying to sound like Stiles or anything, but..."

"Oh, Ava. I'm so proud of you. You're learned so much." Stiles said sarcastically. "But apparently not enough that you now apparently like Theo. But I'm forgiving this extreme lack of judgment for now. But you made a good point about it being an impersonator, is he wearing a scarf?"

"Seriously?" Isaac scoffed but he looked happy under the pretend annoyance he was showing. "You're still going on about that?"

"It's him." Stiles said, and they could all hear the smirk in his voice. "Have you missed us? Is that why you're back? Of course you missed-"

"Bye Stiles. We'll see you guys soon." Ava interrupted and ended the call and gave Theo his phone back.

The three of them went to Theo's truck to start driving to Scott's house. Ava gave Scott a text to see where they were, just in case they were at Stiles' house instead.

Ava sat in the back with Isaac and she found that they instantly clicked, and they started talking about video games and the different superheroes they liked. She also asked about how he was involved in the supernatural world, and she found out that he was one of Derek's Beta's when he was an Alpha.

"He put you in the bath tub?" Isaac asked with a laugh when Ava explained what happened after Scott bit her and her life changed.

"He did. It wasn't the best first impression." Ava smirked. "Then he said he was my brother the next day."

"Oh, he gave you the Derek speech." Isaac said with a grin.

Theo watched through the mirror at the two talking in the backseats as he drove. He thought he would have felt jealous, this situation was exactly the same as what happened two years ago except it was Hayden in the back of the car with Ava. But he didn't feel jealous, there was something about Isaac that he couldn't put his finger on what it was.

They got to Scott's house, and Isaac reunited with the two other guys. Scott hugged Isaac as soon as they came into the living room, and Stiles clapped him on the shoulder but they could all see that he was happy about Isaac being back.

Ava explained how she found Isaac when she heard him running away from her and Theo which led to her tackling him to the ground when she caught up with him. Stiles found that absolutely hilarious and started laughing loudly.

"I don't know why you're laughing, Stiles." Isaac said. "I heard she punched you in the face after you kidnapped her."

"I didn't kidnap anyone." Stiles pointed out. "Scott was the kidnapper. I just... aided and abetted."

A bit later, Ava and Theo left and Isaac stayed at Scott's house as he'd done before he left Beacon Hills.
Ava and Theo arrived back at her house and just as they approached the front door, she noticed something on the doorstep. Her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as she bent down to pick up the box of chocolates someone had left there.

Ava opened the door and let them both into the empty house and then she looked down at the chocolates that had a note on the top with her name on, then turned to look at Theo. "Are these from you?" She asked.

"No." He said and looked at the box of chocolates curiously. "What does the note say?"

"Just my name." Ava shrugged and opened the box and ate one of the chocolates.

Ava thought that it didn't meant anything important, and Stiles would probably scold her for eating them when she didn't know who they were from as they could be poisoned for all she knew. But she didn't think someone would chocolates to try and kill her.
So she and Theo ate all the chocolates that night in her bed and she forgot about it until the next morning when her Mom brought a bouquet of roses into her room that had been delivered.

There was another note that came with the roses and all it said was:

'My Darling, Ava.'

"Sure this isn't you?" Ava asked Theo, but she knew the answer from the look on his face and the jealousy she could could feel coming off him in waves.

I've decided to make a sequel to this book, so here's the last chapter everyone.

I'll publish the information about the sequel in the next update :)

Hope you're all enjoying the story <3

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