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"She's gonna like me even less, now." Ava groaned as she and Mason took the bag of rats to the hospital to show Melissa.

"Oh, my gosh." Melissa said happily when she saw them. "You two brought me dinner? That's really nice."

"No." Mason said quickly when Melissa reached for the bag. "It's not dinner."

"It's not dinner?" She asked and looked in the bag. "It's definitely not dinner."

"We were hoping you could take a look at it for us." Ava said.

"Well, I was hoping someone was going to bring me dinner. Now is not the time for a rat autopsy, so get this and yourselves out of here." Melissa told them and handed the bag of rats back to Mason.

"No, but we really..." Ava tried.

"No. Out." Melissa demanded.

"Okay. All right." Mason said and they walked away from her.

The two of them were still stood in the hospital when two men started fighting.

"You started it. Back off." The one man shouted and pushed the other.

"Hey, now, that's called assault!" The other man shouted.

"Can I get security over here?" Melissa called.

"Oh, really? Assault? Assault?" The first guy demanded.

"Sir, you need to calm down..." Ava tried to say as she stepped between the men but she ended up getting punched in the nose.

Ava felt herself change instantly. The news of Scott leaving and the pain of Hayden going has caused her anger to get out of hand.

Ava groaned as she grabbed her face and she could feel her fangs and claws out already.

Ava looked down at her hands and they were covered with blood from her claws digging into her hands. Ava took a sharp breath then got her head down as she ran away from the altercation as Melissa got it under control.

"The sun, the moon, the truth." Ava muttered as she ran. She got to the elevator and rapidly pressed the button as she repeated her mantra.

She leans against the elevator wall once she was inside and managed to get herself back in control as the doors closed.

When she was sure she was in control she got outside the hospital and found Mason at his car and they drove back to the school for the study hall.

"I know you might now like it, but I think you should call Theo." Mason told her as they got out his car.

"Why?" She scoffed.

"Because I know your losing control and you don't want to worry Scott." Mason explained.

"And what do you think Theo will do?" Ava asked confused.

"Well, he's at school again and he's with you on the lacrosse team so I think you should try and be his friend." Mason said. "He clearly doesn't have many. So, that would be good for both of you."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now