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Ava wasn't very impressed. Since her trip to Mexico she's been handling the full moon pretty good, but during the last one it didn't well. That's how Ava is now currently chained to a tree, whilst Scott and Stiles are having a conversation by Stiles's jeep.

"Think it's been long enough?" Stiles suddenly asked.

"Yes!" Ava shouts from where she is chained to the tree a few feet away from them.

"Hey!" Stiles snaps at her. "Trying to have an adult conversation over here."

"Stiles, you're literally two years older than me. And I'm fine." Ava assures them. "Just let me go."

"It's not that we don't trust you." Scott said as he came over with keys to unchain her.

"It's that I don't trust you." Stiles tells her.

"But after that last full moon..." Scott looks at her expectantly.

"Scott, it was one slip up." Ava said dismissively.

"Slip up?" Stiles asks with disbelief. "A dozen calls to the sheriff's department about monstrous dog-girl basically naked running through the streets of Beacon Hills. That's a slip up?"

"I wasn't naked." Ava snaps.

"No, just running around in your underwear." Stiles rolled his eyes.

"It was hot out that night." Ava said when Scott looked at her for an explanation. "Just let me go."

"You sure you're okay?" Scott asks.

"It won't happen again." Ava tells her alpha.

"You're in complete and total control?" Scott asks.

"Yeah. Complete and total." Ava tells him.

Scott and Stiles remove all the chains from around Ava and the tree, when the boys walk away towards the jeep Ava looks down at her hands that were covered in blood from where she'd clenched her fists tightly and her claws tore into her skin. Ava hates lying to Scott but she doesn't want him to be disappointed in her.

"Is it a party?" Ava asks when they're in the jeep on the way to the school. Stiles was gonna drop Ava off at the hospital so she could wait for her step father, before they went to the school.

"It is not a party." Stiles tells her.

"Then what's at midnight?"

"Your bedtime." Stiles said.

"Why aren't the girls going?" Ava asks as she leans between the front seats to speak to Stiles.

"They're meeting us there, okay? And just stop asking questions, all right?" Stiles turns to look at her. "It's a senior thing. You'll know when your a senior."

They continue driving for a while when Scott asks about phone troubles then the jeep suddenly stops. The boys eventually get it going again and they start driving to pick up Malia.

Malia gets in the jeep and sits next to Ava in the backseats. Ava has her headphones in but she leans her head on the older girl's shoulder.

Scott and Stiles turn in their seats to stare at Malia so Ava lifts her head up to look at her in confusion.

"What?" Malia asks the boys.

"Did you find out yet?" Stiles asks.

"Find out what?" Ava asks.

"They're gonna email me." Malia said nervously.

"Is this about summer school?" Ava asks a bit insensitively. "Stiles just said you had to go to summer school because the principle said your test scores weren't good enough and you might have to repeat junior year."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now