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Ava finished getting ready for lacrosse, she was helping the Freshmen practice, and she'd managed to get Brett to help her.

She walked out and found Mason outside the locker room.

"I was saying that if we're talking about some sort of mythical creature that's so powerful the only safe place to put it is in the Wild Hunt, then we have a serious problem." Mason said.

"Can we figure it out while I'm running drills?" Ava asked. "Brett's meeting me to help Theo and the Freshmen that wanna make First Line."

"Brett?" Mason asked excitedly. "Incredibly hot Brett with the eight-pack abs?"

"Pretty sure his name is just Brett." Ava rolled her eyes.

"He has an eight-pack. Do you know how hard it is for the human body to have an eight-pack? God." Mason said with awe. "Wait, why is he helping you?"

"I couldn't get anyone else to volunteer." Ava said.

"Well. Yeah, that's because there's no way any of the Freshmen are gonna make First Line." Mason said. "Theo's your only shot. Besides, no one does before junior year."

"Scott did, and so did I." Ava reminded him.

"Yeah, with a little supernatural help." Mason scoffed.

"I'll have you know, I made First Line before Scott bit me, remember." Ava reminded.

Ava got to the boys locker room and Mason went in first to check they were all decent.

"Right, everyone, I've got a friend from Devenford coming to help, so let's get on the field." Ava told them as they finished putting the gear over their jerseys.

"Thanks for the drills and the chance, Ava." One of the boys called Aaron said to her as they went outside the locker room. "Even if there really isn't one."

"Unless you practice." Mason told the boy when Ava didn't know how to reply. "Like, today. I mean, you could totally have a shot at making First Line. Seriously, you guys are all gonna kill it."

"See you all on the field." Ava said and dragged Mason away.

"Go lacrosse!" Mason cheered.

"Yay sports!" Ava shouted.

"There you are." Miss Monroe said running into the two. "I've got openings tomorrow, if you're willing to talk, of course."

"Well, I don't have anything to talk about." Ava stammered.

"She has a lot to talk about." Mason said slapping her back.

"We all have things to talk about, Ava." Monroe said. "You don't wanna start senior year with any heavy burden on your shoulders, do you? How about 2:00pm tomorrow?"

"Well, that's my study period." Ava said.

"Which is why I suggested it." Monroe said and held a bit of paper out. "Just take the form and think about it, okay? Hope to see you tomorrow. Remember, I have an open door policy."

Ava quickly ran while she had the chance and heard Mason say something to Monroe.

Ava saw Brett already on the field and when he saw he grinned smugly.

"Ava." He smirked.

"Brett." Ava said through gritted teeth. "Thanks for doing this."

"No problem." He grinned. "Any chance to show you up in front of your team."

Ava had some of the Freshmen sit in the stands to watch her and Brett run through some drills.

"That's called a perfect hitch." Brett explained after scoring a goal passed Ava and Corey.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now