26|The Pack's Theme Park Adventure

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So Scott bit Hayden and now she was a real werewolf now. Beacon Hills had been quiet recently in regards to the supernatural which seemed to annoy Stiles who wanted to do something.

"We need to give him something to do, he's driving me mad." Scott told Ava when she got to his house when he called her over that morning.

"You're not the one he dragged to a farm." Ava scoffed. "I was nearly killed by a horse."

"Why'd he take you to a farm?" Scott asked with a snort.

"It's Stiles, who knows why he does anything." Ava chuckled. "He thought there was a criminal hiding out there. Did you know he had a key to my house made?"

"You come to expect it." Scott shrugged. "He's had one for here for years."

"Yeah, well, it's fine for emergencies I guess, but he walked in on me and Hayden." Ava explained turning red.

"Oh, god." Scott groaned. "I'm sorry."

There was suddenly a frantic knocking at Scott's door. Scott went to the door and he opened it reveal an angry soaking wet Malia.

"Are you okay?" Ava asked when she saw the older girl.

"No, I'm not." Malia hissed.

"What's happened?" Scott asked.

"I just jumped out of the jeep and fell in a lake." Malia snarled.

"Why'd you jump out the jeep?" Ava asked trying not to laugh.

"Stiles was driving me and Lydia around for hours trying to catch a criminal." Malia said.

"And you just abandoned Lydia?" Ava smirked.

"I didn't want to." Malia groaned. "But I was going mad. He nearly ran a bunch of kids over and this man started speeding after us."

Ava and Scott looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

"It's not funny." Malia snapped.

Lydia suddenly appeared through the door and she collapsed on the sofa.

"Sorry for ditching you." Malia said.

"It's fine. I'd have done the same if I had supernatural healing and could survive jumping out a car." Lydia gasped.

"Lydia, slow down." Stiles panted running through the door.

"We nearly had him." Stiles said disappointedly.

"Stiles, buddy." Scott said slowly. "You've got a problem."

Ava snorted. "That's what you said to me after you bit me."

"I haven't got a problem." Stiles said dismissively.

"Sure, you don't." Lydia rolled her eyes. "That's why Malia and I have been with you chasing a supposed criminal since 7 this morning."

"And you took me to a farm yesterday and pushed me in front of an angry horse." Ava said and glared playfully.

"I said I was sorry." Stiles groaned. "But you can heal and it was about to stomp on my face."

"So listen, buddy." Scott said and put his hands on Stiles's shoulders. "You need to relax a bit, so, today we are going to the theme park."

"Yes." Ava exclaimed excitedly and Malia perked up.

"I've never been to one." Malia said. "Being a coyote for half my life and all."

"But Scottttttt." Stiles whined. "They need us to stop the criminals."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now