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Ava was in Mr Douglas's physics class again and taking notes about what he was saying.

"Power." Mr Douglas said holding a metal rod. "The ability to control things. This metal has no power. It's small, weak, insignificant. Is there anything we can do to change that?"

Corey put his hand up and Mason looked at him surprised.

"Corey, what you got?" Mr Douglas asked.

"We can add electricity." Corey said.

"Exactly." Mr Douglas grinned. "We turn this metal rod... into a magnet. Now it has power. Now it has influence... over others."

Mr Douglas charged the metal rod with electricity then he used its magnetism to spin a metal ball around in a bowl.

Ava was writing down some notes when Mr Douglas began coughing and she looked up along with the rest of the class.

"Are, are you okay, Mr Douglas?" Hayden asked.

Mr Douglas looked up and the expression on his face unnerved Ava.

"Just a little cough." He said. "Where were we? Um... Right, now we have electricity, and a little bit of power. Let's add a little more. After all, the greater the power, the greater the control."

Mr Douglas turned the voltage up but then he started coughing again and he drank from his bottle of water and turned away from the class.

"Imagine how powerful this rod could become with boundless electricity." Mr Douglas said turning back around. "Say, from a lightning bolt? What else could we control?" He asked turning the voltage up.

Once again he started coughing as the metal ball whizzed around the bowl.

Mr Douglas began coughing and gasping loudly and he quickly got to the storage closet at the back of the classroom behind Ava and when he got inside he slammed the door shut.

Ava could still hear him coughing loudly so she stood up and stepped close to the door.

"Mr Douglas?" She called after looking at Hayden worriedly.

He eventually came back out and dismissed the class.

Ava and Hayden were getting dressed after gym class when all the girls phones buzzed in the locker room.

Ava and Hayden both grabbed their phones and saw it was a start of the season lacrosse party invitation from Nathan Pierce. He was one of the boys on the team that Ava knew didn't want a girl for captain.

"Where is it?" One of the girls exclaimed angrily opening a locker then slamming it shut loudly. "Who took all of her stuff?"

"What's wrong, Gwen?" Hayden asked as she and Ava walked over to the distressed girl.

Gwen was a girl who was on the lacrosse team with Ava.

"Someone stole all of her stuff." Gwen said.

"Whose stuff?" Ava asked.

"Phoebe. My sister. She's been on your soccer team for two years." Gwen said looking pointedly at Hayden.

"I don't remember her." Hayden said.

"You don't remember her?" Gwen scoffed. "The school doesn't remember her. No one remembers her."

Gwen stormed past the two angrily looking ready to cry.

"She's been taken." Ava realised and grabbed Hayden's hand to lead her outside so they could speak privately. "Do you think she saw them?"

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now