33|Jail Cell

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After the unsuccessful event with Ghost Rider being killed, Ava was left in charge of Theo and was currently dragging him back through the woods to the Sheriff's station.

Hayden offered to stay with her, but Ava told her to go home because she could see how tired she was. Ava also told Scott to make sure Mason got home safely so he wouldn't get taken.

"So-" Theo started.

"Shut up." Ava hissed and yanked his chains when he stopped walking.

"Can you take these off?" He demanded and shook his wrists. "I'm not gonna do anything. Where are we going? Hello? You're ignoring me? God, you're so childish."

"I'm childish?!" Ava snapped and turned to face him, or where she thought he was as it was dark out.

"Absolutely." Theo spat.

"Says the narcissistic kidnapper." Ava scoffed.

"You're still caught up on that?" Theo asked disbelievingly.

Ava started walking backwards so she could keep an eye on him.

"Ava." Theo suddenly said loudly but she ignored him. "Ava."

"Wha-" Ava went to shout at him but then she shrieked as she fell backwards and hit the ground. Why are there holes all around the woods? She thought with annoyance.

"Do you want help? Oh, that's right, I'm a bit preoccupied." Theo said and shook his wrists again violently which shook the other end of the chains she managed to keep a hold of as she fell.

Ava growled and pulled herself out of the hole and glared at Theo.

"Don't get mad at me." Theo chuckled when he could sense her growing anger. "I was trying to warn you."

Ava finally found her way out of the woods and she got Theo to the empty Sheriff's station. Ava took the chains off his wrists and pushed him in one of the cells.

"You're just gonna leave me here?" He demanded incredulously and grabbed the bars to the cell, his knuckles turning white with how tight his grip was.

"I'm leaving you in there. But I can't leave yet." Ava scoffed.

"Why?" Theo asked and sat on the bench.

"Scott's meeting us all here in the morning." Ava said deciding to let Theo know something or he'd end up pestering her the whole time. "So, there's no point in me leaving."

Ava spent the rest of the night sleeping on one of the benches in the Sheriff's station trying to ignore Theo's attempts at conversation until he gave up and went to sleep in his cell.


"You're going to bite Stiles?" Lydia asked Scott the next morning when they got to the empty Sheriff's station.

"To get him through the rift." Scott said. "It's the only way."

"Just the clarify, are you planning on biting everyone in the train station?" Peter asked.

"With Stiles back, he'll be able to help us figure out a plan." Scott said.

"He's good at that." Malia told her father.

"So the plan is to get Stiles to come up with a plan." Peter said disbelievingly.

"You can shut up now." Malia snapped.

"Malia, look around. We're the only ones left in a Beacon Hills." Peter exclaimed. "If they take us, Lydia will be the only one left to haunt the place."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now