20|The Pack

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Ava had just showered in the girls locker room when the door slammed open. Ava quickly wrapped her towel around herself and saw Malia walking towards her.

"I need you to tell Scott something for me." Malia said and wrapped her arms around the younger girl in a quick hug.

"Why me?" Ava asked. "Are you still not talking to him?"

"No, and I can't at the minute." Malia said looking uncomfortable.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ava asked.

"I'm fine. Just tell him he was right about the tunnels. Just tell him that, okay?" Malia said.

"What do you mean?" Ava asked just as the bell rang.

"When we were down there looking for you and... Hayden, we didn't know it at the time but we were a lot closer than we thought. There's an operating theater down there. Down in the tunnels." Malia explained.

"How do you know?" Ava asked.

"Mostly by scent. Just tell him, okay? Tell Scott he was right."

Ava decided to go to the tunnels to see if she could find what Malia was talking about, so she could find the place where she and Hayden were taken.

"You lost?" A voice asked after Ava had been wandering around for a while.

She looked up and saw it was Scott watching her curiously.

"Completely." Ava sighed. "How did you know I was down here?"

"I followed you." Scott said.

"Why are you following me?" Ava asked defensively.

"Why are you down here?" Scott asked.

"I'm just trying to figure out if this is where they took us. Me and Hayden. Malia said she was down here too. That the scent was the same. She said you were right." Ava explained.

"Uh, there's a turn you keep passing." Scott informed her. "It's easy to miss."

"How many times did you watch me pass it?" Ava asked.

"Five." Scott chuckled. "Come on. Let's see if we can find it together."

Ava and Scott were walking through the tunnels for a while when Scott suddenly stopped.

"Do you feel that?" He asked.

"Like something's vibrating." Ava nodded.

"I can't tell where it's coming from." Scott said.

Ava crouched down and placed her hand flat against the ground then she looked up at Scott. "It's coming from everywhere."

Ava sighed sadly. "I was just trying to do something right."

"You do a lot right." Scott said confidently.

"Yeah, but I did one thing really wrong." Ava said grimly.

"Ava it's my fault. You just wanted Hayden to still be alive." Scott said.

"I feel like I had to do more than just say sorry." Ava told him.

"Actually, you still haven't done that." Scott said.

"Back at my old school... at Devenford, I got into a fight with this boy. I knocked two of his teeth out. The school made me write a letter of apology. We both knew it meant nothing. We both knew that sooner or later, we were gonna get into another fight. I can't just say I'm sorry. I feel like I have to do something. Like maybe, somehow I have to save your life."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now