25|GoodBye Theo

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"Mason?" Ava whispered when she stepped inside.

She quickly went down the steps with Scott and Theo right behind her. She looked around and then when she turned a corner she saw Mason on the ground connected to a tank full of green liquid and a body.

Ava quickly dropped to her knees by mason grabbed his face gently and gasped as she saw how there was a large device shoved in the back of his neck, connecting him to the tank.

"It's connected to him." Scott said panicked and knelt next to her.

"What is this thing?" Ava asked.

"I don't know." Theo said.

"Ava, I can feel it." Mason said slowly. "It's in my skull."

"Don't move." Ava told him.

"Careful." Scott warned.

"What are they doing to him?" Ava demanded and glared at Theo.

"I don't know." He snapped at her.

"Guys, let's focus." Scott said. "Mason, we're gonna get you out of here."

"Hold him still." Scott told Ava. "Okay, alright. I'm  going to try and pull it out. Let me know if it hurts..."

Ava held onto Mason tightly. Scott grabbed the thing that was in his neck and only moved it slightly but that made Mason scream agonisingly.

"It hurts!" Mason screamed. "It definitely hurts."

"I barely moved it." Scott told Ava.

There was a loud clicking noise filling the room and Scott was looking at something behind Ava.

Ava looked over her shoulder and saw a Dread Doctor.

"They wanted us here." Theo said as more arrived.

"Ava, try to get that thing out of Mason's neck." Scott said.

"Theo..." The surgeon said robotically. "Theo Raeken."

"He's coming with us." Theo told them.

"Failure... Theo Raeken."

"I'm not a failure." Theo stuttered.

Ava had her hand on the thing in Mason's neck when he grabbed her arm.

"Ava... get out of here. Just go." Mason said.

"Not a complete failure. We learned from you."

"Theo, he's trying to get to you." Scott said. "This is what they want, don't give it to them. We can't beat them."

"The mark of a true failure. Repeating the same mistake again and again."

"We're taking Mason." Theo said. "Then I'm taking what's mine." Theo growled now transformed. "Let him go."

"You have the entitlement and narcissism typical of your generation. In that, you are a profound success."

Ava tried to pull the thing from Mason's neck but his screams made her instantly let go.

"Scott! Scott, I... I can't get it out. I don't know what to do." Ava said.

Scott ran over to the two best friends and looked unsure of what to do himself.

"But your failure taught us one thing. The banality of evil. That you were and would always be an ordinary evil."

"You think I'm ordinary?" Theo asked.

"We believed that to resurrect the perfect killer we had to start with the perfect evil. From you we learned true evil only comes by corrupting something truly good."

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now