41|Locked In

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Ava woke the next morning to a phone call from the Sheriff's station.

"Hello." Ava said tiredly. "Who is this?"

"It's me." Theo groaned.

"What do you want?" Ava asked. "Why are you at the Sheriff's station?"

"I've... been arrested." Theo said sounding annoyed.

Ava snorted and she could practically feel him roll his eyes.

"It's not funny." Theo told her.

"Why've you been arrested?" She asked him.

"Because Stiles's useless dad-"

"Theo!" Ava snapped.

"I was just getting in my car when these two idiots ran past. They're werewolves and apparently they killed hunters and I somehow got taken with them." Theo explained sounding angry. "The Sheriff's calling Scott, so can you come down and tell him that I was at school late."

Ava groaned and ended the call and then literally a few minutes later she got a text from Scott saying he was outside her house and they were going to the Sheriff's station.

Ava got to the station and she told Stilinski that Theo was at school late with her and Mason so he couldn't have been with the two other werewolves. Stilinski reluctantly asked Parrish to go get Theo out of the jail cell he was in and sign all the forms.

Whilst that was going on, the Sheriff began explaining to Ava, Scott, Malia and Lydia what had happened.

"I'm not letting them out." Stilinski said to Scott, Ava, Lydia and Malia who got to the station when Stilinski called them about the two wolves who Theo passed by at the worst time possible. "We've got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people."

"Hunters." Scott exclaimed.

"People, Scott." Stilinski said. "Self defence or not, they're still here, the other guys are dead. And there's a process I have to follow."

"Yeah, but you know what's happening around here." Scott said. "It's not safe for them."

"This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills." Stilinski said. "At least I can protect them here."

"Would Stiles think that?" Lydia asked exasperatedly.

"Especially if one of your deputies is working for Gerard?" Malia said.

"I'm not buying that." Stilinski said. "I know these deputies like the back of my hand. I know their families, their kids, their brothers and sisters. I know who they are and I trust them."

"You know who they were." Ava said. "There's something out there. Everyone's afraid. And it's getting worse."

"Yeah, you can't protect two werewolves from hunters if they're already on the inside." Scott told the Sheriff.

"It's Quinn, right?" Stilinski asked the girl who Scott found at his house saying she was shot by a deputy.

The girl, Quinn, looked up and nodded her head.

"You're sure it was a deputy who shot you? Absolutely, 100% sure?" Stilinski asked.

"I saw flashing lights. A police car. I... I saw a badge, a gun, and then they shot me." Quinn said. "They shot me in the head and that's all I remember."

"There are a couple holes in her story." Stilinski sighed.

"Maybe because there's a hole in her head." Lydia snipped.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now