16|The Nemeton

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Ava followed Parrish through the woods, until they came to a tree stump, that Ava learnt was called the Nemeton, that had dead bodies all over.

Parrish puts Hayden's body down and then he just walks away, not fully aware what he's really doing.

Ava sat down on the ground and she held Hayden's hand when she heard footsteps behind her in the dark.

"Come on, Lydia!" A voice shouted.

Ava stood up and looked over to the clearing as Theo was dragging Lydia behind him.

Ava started growling and Theo looked shocked she was there.

Theo let go of his harsh grip on Lydia, who dropped to the floor, with dazed eyes.

"What have you done to her?" Ava snarled looking at her friend.

Theo walks over to Ava and she feels slightly scared when she sees the crazed look in his eyes.

"Ava." He said softly and reached a hand out to hold her cheek. "I did what I had to. But she'll be fine."

Ava slaps his hand away. "She doesn't look fine."

Ava runs and crouches over Lydia's body and looked for what was wrong. She turned Lydia's head gently and she growled when she saw the blood on the back of her neck.

Ava runs over to Theo and she slices her claws down his chest making him groan and drop what he was holding.

Ava quickly picked up the needle filled with green liquid and looked at it curiously. "What is this?"

"Ava." Theo growled. "Give it to me and you'll see."

"No." Ava held it behind her back and started backing away from him.

"Ava, I don't want to have to hurt you." Theo said slowly. "Just hand it over."

Ava wants to run but she can't leave Lydia behind so she turns around and is about to throw the needle into the woods when Theo is quickly behind her, grabbing her wrist.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Theo whispered in her ear.

Ava shivered from the feeling of his body right behind hers. Theo lowered her wrist and was going to pull the needle from her hold but she tightens her grip.

"Why not?" She asks and turns to look at him over her shoulder.

"Because then I can't bring Hayden back." Theo said seriously.

"What?" Ava asks confused. "What do you mean?"

"Let me show you." He whispered.

Theo let her keep hold of the needle and he kept one hand on hers and he wrapped his other arm around her waist and led her close to the nemeton. Theo knelt down next to Corey's dead body and pulled Ava to copy his actions, when she was knelt in front of him, he pushed her hand with the needle towards Corey's neck. After pushing the needle in his neck Corey suddenly gasped and woke up.

Ava gasped in surprise and fell backwards into Theo's awaiting arms.

"Why are you doing this?" Ava asks him.

"I want a pack." He whispers in her ear.

"How did you get this?" Ava asked as she lifted their hands to indicate the needle.

"I'm the first Chimera." Theo admits. "The dread doctors helped me and using all their experiments they made this and it could be used to bring them back."

"So you can bring Hayden back to me?"

"I can." Theo said and was glad Ava wasn't looking at him or she'd see the annoyance on his face.

Theo had no intention to bring Hayden back, but he obviously won't tell Ava that.

Theo pulled the needle from Ava's hand and injected Tracy and Josh and they both woke with a gasp like Corey did.

Ava waited expectantly for Theo to go over to Hayden's body next and inject her with the serum, but instead of doing that he threw the needle to the ground and stomped his foot down hard on it so the glass shattered and the serum leaked into the ground.

Ava was frozen for a moment but then she got on her feet and she lunged at Theo with her fangs bared, she hits him in the face and when she tries to hit him again he grabs her arms and pushes her to the ground.

Ava lands on her back and groans when her head hits the floor. Theo is suddenly on top of her with his hands around her throat squeezing tightly.

Ava's clawing at his hands but he doesn't let go. "I'm sorry. I said I didn't want to have to hurt you, but you've left me no choice." Theo whispered as he squeezed her throat tighter, until she goes unconscious.

"Who are you?" Tracy asks from behind him.

"I'm your alpha." Theo tells the Chimera's.

"Go back to your homes, I'll find you when I need you." Theo tells the three Chimera's without even looking at them.

Theo stroked Ava's cheek gently and watches as the purple handprints around neck disappear. Theo felt awful for hurting her but he wouldn't let her get away from him. Theo leaned down and kissed her forehead gently before he stood up and picked her up and carried her body over his shoulder. Theo walked past Lydia, just leaving her there on the ground.

Theo carried her out of the woods until he got to his car and then he lay her across the back seat. He quickly drove to his house and he pulled her out of the car and carried her to his room. Theo put her in his bed and he handcuffed one of her hands to the bed post and he just lay next to her to wait until she woke up.

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