12|Dread Doctors

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Ava and Malia were in the library together studying that evening for a while. Malia was relieved that everyone else had now seen the guys in masks she saw that they are calling the dread doctors.

After studying for a while Malia leaves to go see Stiles at his house, leaving Ava alone.

Ava sighs and closes the maths textbook she was looking at and just as she's about to pack up her stuff someone sits on the chair opposite her. She looks up and sees Theo Raeken smirking at her.

"What do you want?" Ava asks him.

"Just wondering if you needed a ride?" He asks.

"I'll get the bus."

"The last one left 10 minutes ago." Theo said innocently.

"I'll walk then." Ava snaps as she finishes putting her books in her bag and she walks out the library with Theo quickly catching up to her.

"Let me give you a ride?" He asks but it sounds more commanding.

"No, thanks." Ava said dismissively walking away from him.

Theo grabs her wrist quite roughly as he pulls her back. Ava begins growling.

"Calm down." He tells her.

"Let go of me then." She spits with flashing eyes.

Theo sighs and lets go of her wrist. "Just let me take you home. Scott wouldn't be happy if his little beta was walking home alone."

"Scott's not the boss of me." Ava said.

"He's your alpha." Theo rolled his eyes.

"And he knows I can take care of myself." Ava said.

"Prove it." Theo said with a challenge in his eyes.


Theo doesn't answer her question, he just lunges forward with his fist in the air to hit her.

Ava gets over her surprise quickly and she easily ducks away from the punch and holds her leg out making Theo trip and face plant the ground.

"Is that all you've got?" Ava teased suddenly in a competitive mood.

Theo jumps to his feet and runs at her, they both fall to the ground trying to hit each other. Ava punches him squarely in the nose but he spins them on the ground so he's on top of her. Theo wraps a hand gently round her throat and the other is up the air with his claws out ready for a fatal strike.

"And dead." He smirks.

"Are you sure?" Ava smirks back and that's when Theo notices her claws are also out and she's holding one hand over his chest, ready to pierce his heart for a real situation.

Theo helps her to her feet and she agrees to let him drive her home.


Scott and the others were reading the book about the dread doctors at his house. Whilst that was happening Ava went back to club Sinema with some more money for Hayden to make up for what she lost.

"$43." Ava said when she found Hayden.

"I said I don't want your money." Hayden said.

"No. You said I owe you $200."

"Just forget it, I don't need..."

Hayden couldn't finish her sentence as the lights and the power went out in the club and she swore. Ava followed Hayden who went to fix the lighting issue.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now