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Trigger warning- Mentions of sexual assault.


"You don't have to explain if you don't want to." Theo told her.

"No, it's okay. My psychologist said I should talk to people about it. Mason's the only one who knows... well and Brett." Ava said quietly.

Ava and the rest of the Devenford Prep lacrosse team were breaking into the abandoned zoo. Ava didn't expect to get invited along, seeing as the majority of the team didn't exactly like her.

Ava was leaving the school after the game they just won when a voice called out behind her.

"Ava, wait."

She turned and saw Ryan, the captain of the team and a senior.

"We're all going to the abandoned zoo for a bit of a celebration, do you wanna come?" Ryan asked her.

"Nobody likes me, so I probably shouldn't." Ava shrugged and turned back around.

A firm hand landed on her shoulder and she turned back to him and shook his hand off.

"I like you." Ryan said and held his hands up defensively.

"Even though I nearly got our team disqualified from the game?" Ava asked.

Ava thought she saw a flicker of irritation in his eyes but it disappeared almost instantly and he smiled.

"It doesn't matter. You won us the game so we can forget about that." He said.

"All right. I'll come." Ava finally said.

Ryan drove her to the zoo and they got there and the rest of the team were already there waiting. When the rest of the team saw Ava get out of Ryan's car, they all looked annoyed.

"No one say anything. We're just all here to have a good time." Ryan commanded and showed them all the alcohol he had brought for them.

The other boys reluctantly nodded and they started looking for a way into the zoo. They found a way in and they all climbed through the hole in the barbed wire fence into the zoo.

They started drinking and talking after they found an open area behind the old cages where they would be out of sight. Ava hasn't been drunk before, she'd obviously drank but never to the point she was completely intoxicated, but she didn't want to look bad and for the boys to have even more of a problem with her, so she took the drink Ryan gave her.

Ryan passed her another drink after she had finished her first. She didn't expect it to affect her so quickly but she suddenly didn't feel too good.

Ava's vision was blurry and her head was killing her and the boys voices suddenly seemed a lot louder.

"C-can you take me home?" Ava asked Ryan, murmuring her words.

"Sure." Ryan said, and if Ava was sober she would have noticed the inappropriate looks he sent to the other boys as he led her back over to his car.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now