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Ava texted Theo to come get her from the school after the confrontation with the Anukite merging. Lydia and Malia left the school together leaving Scott and Ava alone.

"Do you need a ride home?" Scott asked when they walked outside.

"No, Theo's coming to get me." Ava said.

"Oh." Scott smirked teasingly.

"Stop it." Ava groaned and punched him in the chest making him wince.

"Are you sure? You're house is on the way to mine." Scott said as they stood by the jeep.

"Honestly, it's fine. We're going to the same place anyway." Ava said then realised her mistake.

"What do you... He's living with you?" Scott asked after pausing until her words sunk in.

"He needed a place to stay." Ava shrugged. "We're just friends. Nothing more."

"Oh, so he's a friend now?" Scott teased.

"God, you're annoying." Ava groaned. "But you can't tell Stiles, he'll be like 10 times worse."

"I know." Scott chuckled. "Be prepared he might try to kidnap you for your own good when he comes back."

Just then, Theo pulled up so Scott got in the jeep. "I'll see you tomorrow, maybe." Scott said out the window. "Me and Malia are going to try and find Deucalion."

"Good luck." Ava said then went over to Theo's car.

"Is Mason okay?" She asked as soon as she got in the car.

"Aaron tried to kill us, but he'll be okay." Theo told her and started driving. "Did you find the person on the phone?"

"Yeah, it was Mrs Finch." Ava explained. "And it was her daughter who was the other half of the Anukite. They've merged."

"Did you fight it?" Theo asked.

"I was about to, but Lydia got to me before I could. Apparently we can't look at it, or it will kill us." Ava said grimly.

"Brilliant." Theo sighed.

The next morning when Ava woke up she went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast. She had no intention of going back to school until the whole Anukite predicament was over, so she thought she'd lock herself in her home for the day and not see anyone until Scott got back with word from Deucalion of how they can fight blind. She was frying some bacon in a pan when she heard her phone chime upstairs.

She quickly ran upstairs to her room and found that it was surprisingly Nolan who had messaged her. He was asking if she would be willing to meet him somewhere. She was intending to ignore him but then he sent another message saying he had something important to tell her. She messaged him back telling him to meet her at the school library.

She went into the bathroom to have a shower before she left to meet Nolan, forgetting about the bacon she was cooking. She was rinsing her strawberry scented shampoo from her hair when she heard the bathroom door bang open, she was confused for a moment knowing her parents were out working but then she remembered Theo was there with her.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now