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After Ava found her phone she ran out her house and over to the jeep, so Stiles finally stopped beeping the horn. Ava glared at Stiles as she walked over to the jeep parked outside her house and as she leaned into his open window she noticed Lydia sat in the passenger seat.

"You left Lydia in the car?" Ava asked with disbelief.

"They left me on the phone to Derek." Lydia answered with an annoyed glare at Stiles who grinned sheepishly back at her. "He seriously needs to stop being so uptight. But it appears we can't rest even for a day in Beacon Hills."

Ava grinned at Lydia but when she looked at Theo and Scott in the back seats she found they didn't look very happy. There was a couple of boxes in the seat behind Stiles, so Theo and Scott were forced to sit really close together with Scott squished up against the door.

"What's with the boxes?" Ava asked. "Can I move them to, you know, sit down?"

"Absolutely not." Stiles said grinning at Ava mischievously. "There's fragile stuff inside."

"Like what? Your ego? Where am I meant to sit then?" Ava asked him.

"You can figure it out." Stiles said and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"I know what you're doing, Stiles." Ava said to the grinning boy.

"I don't know what you mean." He said, faking innocence.

Ava opened Stiles's door and before he could get out to let her in the back, she started climbing over him and accidentally kicked him in the face as she climbed into the backseats. She made sure she didn't hit Lydia who looked amused by the whole thing.

"Oh, my god! Ava! What is wrong with you?!" Stiles screamed holding his bleeding nose.

Ava ignored him and silently sat on Theo's lap. "Let's go, then. Can't keep Derek waiting, right?"

Theo who was usually able to hide what he was feeling blushed when she openly sat on his lap in front of the others. He could feel Scott and Lydia's eyes on him, but he tried to ignore them. He was also pleased that Ava wasn't trying to hide that they were... whatever they were.

The five of them were silent for a while, besides Stiles whining in pain. Stiles finally started driving after wiping the blood away from his nose and started shooting Ava dirty looks through the mirror.

"I just have one question." Lydia said as she turned to look at Ava and Theo.

"I know right. How could Scott let this happen?" Stiles scoffed, repeating his disbelieving question from the night before. "And he's meant to be the alpha. And he's letting his beta who is basically his child, I mean Scott you're basically a father with all the stress Ava causes you I mean she's like a mini me- oh, my god. Does that mean I'm the mom?"

Stiles was seriously on a roll with his ranting so they all just let him go off on them for some time not really listening to what he was actually saying.

Ava shuffled around trying to get comfortable and Theo tensed up and grabbed her hips, halting her movement. Ava felt herself blushing then when she realised what she'd done in front of the others without thinking, but she was smiling.

"No." Lydia said loudly, finally interrupting her boyfriends rant. "I thought we all knew they were together. I mean it was obvious. I just wanna know who's telling Malia." Lydia said smirking at them all.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now