34|Two Of Us

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Ava and Stilinski quickly made their way to the Sheriff's station. Ava suggested they let Theo out to help but Stilinski wasn't having it, he just wanted to speak to his deputies.

"Look, I'm not saying you have to like him. I'm just saying maybe he can help us." Ava said as they pushed the doors open and walked through the station.

"Ava, I'll consider asking Theo for help when I don't have a station full of armed deputies to back me up." Stilinski said and pushed the door they were at open and found the place empty of all deputies.

Stilinski picked up one of the hand held radios that was buzzing and pressed a button. "Any available units, this is Sheriff Stilinski. Do you copy? I repeat, any and all units, this is Sheriff Stilinski. Respond immediately with your 20. All units..."

"They're gone." Ava said sadly as she watched the man get no response.

"That, that... that's not possible. That's... They couldn't have taken everyone." Stilinski said.

"They didn't." Theo said loudly.

Ava sighed as they both turned to Theo and walked over to his cell.

"Please, please tell me that you brought the key card." Theo said.

"I also brought my gun." Stilinski said.

"And your sense of humour. That is great." Theo rolled his eyes. "But if we're the only ones left in Beacon Hills, then we need each other. Which means you need me out of this cell."

"We need to trust you." Ava said.

"Then you need to get realistic, because trust is not important right now." Theo hissed. "It is us against them. And you want a lot more of us considering how many of them there are."

"I hate to say he's right but... he's kind of right." Ava said.

"If I let you out and I see any behaviour that I find remotely suspicious, I'll put so many bullets in your head, God won't even recognise you." Stilinski threatened.

"I'm an atheist." Theo smirked leaning closer to the bars caging him in. "Fire at will."

Stilinski got the key card out his pocket and looked at it then held it close to the scanner but he stopped in thought.

"You're gonna need to be a bit closer than that, Sheriff." Theo said. "Wave it over the card reader, come on. Right here." He smacked the device. "Up and down. You can do it."

"Sheriff, we need him." Ava admitted.

Theo quickly moved and tried to grab the card but the sheriff easily held it away from him.

"Tell me something." Stilinski said thoughtfully.

"What? Tell you what? What are you talking about..."

"Tell me about my son." Stilinski said and Theo scoffed. "Tell me one thing about Stiles that you remember. Just one."

"You swipe that key card, I'll tell you anything you want." Theo said.

"Sheriff. They are coming." Ava said when she heard the familiar noise of a storm.

"One thing. Just one thing!" Stilinski shouted.

Theo growled and shook the bars angrily. Stilinski turned and went to leave the room.

"He was smart!" Theo snarled and the Sheriff turned back around. "He was smart enough not to trust me."

Stilinski swiped the card and let Theo out.

"They're here." Ava said when she heard horses.

"How close?" Stilinski asked.

Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now