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"Mason, I'm okay." Ava assured that night when she finally rang mason back. Mason had been scolding her for ten minutes before she interrupted.

"Where were you?" Mason asked. "Malia was starting to scare me. She was so worried about you."

Ava chuckled and reminded herself to ring Malia after finishing speaking to Mason.

"Theo kidnapped me." Ava said casually. "And Corey's alive."

"What?" Mason screamed.

"Theo brought a few of the chimeras back." Ava said.

"So, Hayden..." Mason trailed off.

"No." Ava said bluntly. "The bastard didn't bring her back." Ava tried to hold back her tears. "I'll see you at school tomorrow. I love you."

"Love you Aves."

Ava rings Malia next who answers on the second ring.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to torture Theo?" Malia asked. "I'm pretty sure I could take him."

"I'm fine, Malia. And you could definitely take him. We both could, as long as he doesn't use wolfsbane on us."

"What a coward." Malia scoffed. "See you soon."

Ava blinked as Malia just hung up quickly without waiting for a reply.


"Attention all students." A voice announced throughout the school speakers as Ava and Mason were walking down the hallway. "Mr O'Quinn's classes are cancelled for today. If anyone knows his whereabouts, please let the office know immediately."

"That doesn't sound too ominous." Mason said nervously.

Ava has stopped paying attention when she saw Theo stood in front of his locker, staring at her in a way that made her angry and uncomfortable.

"You said Scott told you not to do anything." Mason said when he noticed her shaking in anger.

"I know." Ava hissed.

"Ava, you said you weren't gonna get involved." Mason said gently.

"I know."

"Ava, don't get involved." Mason said slowly and stepped in front of Ava to get her attention.


"Co-dominance, a relationship among alleles where both alleles contribute to the phenotype of the heterozygote. Quite a mouthful, I know, but it's exactly what we'll be learning in today's lab." Mrs Finch the biology teacher said. "Students in the first and third row, look behind you. These are your partners."

Ava turned around came face to face with a boy with bright blue eyes who was smiling at her. Ava recognised him from the lacrosse team but she wasn't quite sure of his name. Nick? Nathan?

"Nolan!" Ava exclaimed when she remembered but blushed when she realised how loud she spoke.

"Ava." Nolan chuckled.

Ava turned to look at Mason to see if he saw her embarrassing herself but Mason was doing something equally as embarrassing. He was dragging a girl in her chair across the classroom so he could take the seat behind Corey, who he had a major crush on.

Ava moved from her seat and went to sit next to Nolan.

"Remember that in co-dominance, neither allele is recessive. The phenotypes of both alleles are expressed. In human blood, what is a good example of co-dominance?" Mrs Finch asked the class.

"Type AB." Corey said confidently.

"Very good." Mrs Finch praised. "So today you're going to solve a little mystery. Two couples had babies on the same day in the same hospital. Were the babies switched? Open your packets and read the instructions."


"Mason!" Ava hissed when she saw her best friend come out of the boys locker room after Corey.

"Hey, Ava." Mason said nervously watching Corey disappear down the corridor.

"What were you doing with him?"

"Oh, you know... just hanging out."

"Alone? In the boys locker room?" Ava asked suspiciously.

"Yep. Absolutely. Alone." Mason mumbled.

"You kissed him." Ava declared. "He's with Theo. He's in his pack and watched me get kidnapped."

"Yeah, I did." Mason sighed. "But, before you shout at me, he told me something. The last chimera that Theo is looking for they call it the beast. And there's something else."

"What?" Ava asked.

"Theo's looking for an alpha." Mason told her. "A blind alpha."

"So... oh no. We need to tell Scott." Ava said then dragged Mason to their next class.


"Ava." Theo said as he followed the beta into the girls locker room as she tried to run away from him.

"Fuck off!" Ava screamed and threw her bag down, ready to fight if she needed.

"Calm down." Theo demanded.

"Leave me alone." Ava spat.

"I just want to talk."

"You kidnapped me!" Ava exploded.

"Didn't Scott and Stiles kidnap you once?" Theo smirked. "You forgave them."

"Yes, after I broke a chair over Scott's head and punched Stiles in the face." Ava rolled her eyes. "But they didn't kidnap me because they're creepy stalkers!"

"You're emotional. I understand." Theo said calmly stepping closer to her.

"I'm not emotional!" Ava snapped. "It's your fault my girlfriend is dead!"

Ava growled and lunged at him. She punched him in the face and his head crashed into the locker behind him. Theo growled back and grabbed her wrists after she hit him a few more times and pinned her to the lockers.

"Calm down." Theo hissed down at her as he squeezed her wrists tightly. "I'm sorry for kidnapping you. Is that what you want to hear?"

"No." Ava shook her head. "I want to hear Hayden."

Ava yanked her hands free and pushed him away from her.

"Tell me why Hayden should be gone while you still breathe the air." Ava growled then quickly grabbed her bag and fled the room.

That evening Ava and Mason got to Scott's house and found him and Kira. Scott was asleep and Kira was sat next to him.

"Scott, wake up." Kira said and shook Scott slightly when she saw the expressions on Ava and Mason's faces.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked when he saw the worried look on Ava's face.

"I found out something from Corey." Mason said. "We know what Theo's doing."

"He's looking for an alpha. A blind alpha." Ava said pointedly.


Anger To Love; Theo Raeken [1]Where stories live. Discover now