Going to Hogwarts a year early?!

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Maddison POV
"Maddison! Draco! Come down for breakfast" says My mother Narcissa
"Coming Mother" I say as I go downstairs
As I  walk into the dining area I see mother and father waiting for us
"Good morning Mother and Father" Draco and I say in unison
"Good morning children, sit down as we have matter to discuss" says Father
"Go on Lucius, she must know" says Mother
"Mother? Father? What are you two talking about?"
"Maddison, you know about Hogwarts? Yes?" Says Father
"Yes I do father. It's the same school you said that doesn't teach to the pureblood standards"
"Right you are Maddison as we were going to send you to Beauxbatons." Says Mother
"Mother, Father, what are you two going about" says Draco
"As you two must know your letters has shown up for Hogwarts!" Says Mother
"Yes!" Says Draco
"you two? I don't go until next year mother"
"Maddison, as you are very intelligent. Dumbledore himself told both your mother and I that you are to go to Hogwarts early as you will be to intelligent for the other first years next year." Says Father
"I'm going to Hogwarts early?!"
"Calm down dear" says Mother
"Maddison you'll be in the same year as Draco and Harry Potter. They both are you big bothers. As I heard that Harry Potter was raised by Muggles go are not allowed anywhere near him. Do you understand?" Says Father
"Yes I understand father. I wouldn't want to go near Harry Potter anyway as he was near filthy muggles"
"Good." Says Father
"Here are your letters children!" Says Mother
Mine says:
Dear Maddison Malfoy-Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
"So children what house are you hoping for?" Says Mother
"I just know I'm in Slytherin mother, I want to be just like father" Says Draco
"How about you Maddison" says Father
"Despite who my birth parents are I'm hoping for Slytherin!" I say in excitement
"Very well children, eat up so we can get your school supplies" says Mother

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