Chamber of Secrets Pt.1

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Days Later in the great hall
Maddison POV
"Mandrake Draught will soon be ready for those who have been petrified" McGonagall announces
"What's Mandrake Draught?" Says Harry
"Usually Harry I would scold you for you dumbness, but wizards who were not raised with muggles know."
"It's basically a healing charm!" Says Ron
"Ronald you are wrong, Mandrake Draught is a potion that returns transfigured or cursed individuals to their original states."
"I need that to give to my parents!" Says Harry as I stop him
"Harry your parents died from 1 of the 3 unforgivable curses. There unforgivable because none of the curses can't be taken back once you do it." I say as Wither comes towards me
"Let me walk you to potions Maddison." Says Wither as he hold out his hand
"My pleasure"
"Ta-Ta Potter!" Says Wither as we walk to potions
"This Summer o was thinking that you could spend some time there to get to know my parents and Myself" says Wither as we reach the potions door
"I would love to Wither I just have to check with my mother and father" I say as I walk into potions
_________Time skip__________
A/n: I needed some Maddison and Wither connection
Later the same day
Harry POV
"Professor did I was wondering what was your favorite achievement? says Maddison
"Well Maddison it could be...." Lockhart starts
"Could it be the duel against Gilderoy?" Says Maddison
"Ah yes! That was my favorite!" Says Lockhart
"I was wondering if you could continue through your fan mail. My Friend sent dozens and hope you'll respond." Says Maddison
"Perhaps I will good day!" Says Lockhart as he goes to his offfice
"Yes! Good job Maddie!"
"Told you two that Lockhart is fake" says Maddison
"How do you know?" Says Ron
"I asked him was his favorite achievement was the duel against Gilderoy. Gilderoy is his first name and he said yes." Says Maddison as we walk towards Myrtle's bathroom then McGonagall stops us
"Where are you three going?" Says McGonagall
"We are ummm"
"Visiting Hermione" says Ron
"Hurry along then" says McGonagall as she walks away
Maddison POV
"Great Ronald now we have a delay"
"Would you rather have gotten caught?" Says Ron
"Stop arguing" says Harry as he walks into the hospital wing
"She's going to be unhappy" I say as I look at her petrified form
"Look" says Harry as he gets a crumbled paper that has writing on it
"She ripped it out from a textbook"
"What does it say?" Says Ron
"Hermione had discovered that the monster in the chambers of secrets might be a Basilisk, one of the giant king of all serpents." Says Harry as I gasp there is a Basilisk in Hogwarts but I didn't know where
"Look at the bottom is says Pipes" says Ron
"Pipes?" Says Harry as realization wash over me
"The basilisk kills people by looking it in the eye, but no one died because nobody directly looked at its deadly gaze!"
"What!" Says Ron and Harry in unison
"Colin Creevey saw it through its camera, Justin Finch saw it through nearly-headless Nick, Ms.Norris saw it through the reflection of the water, and Hermione and Penelope Clearwater each used a mirror to look around corners after Hermione figures things out!" "Hagrids chickens were killed because of the Basilisk" says Harry
"The Pipes! The basilisk is in the pipes!"
"We have to go to the staff room!" Says Ron as we run there and here talking in the hallway "There has been another attack." We hear McGonagall say
A/n: Longest chapter I did I think🤔 Also can't say anything else because it think I'll ruin it. 🤫🤫

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