A date with Hugo

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Maddison POV
"Hey come meet me by the bubbly forest in an hour" Hugo whispers in my ear
"What did Hugo say?" Says Claire
"Nothing just good luck on the test"
"Mmhmm" says Claire
"Did you tell Wither about Hugo?" Says Caroline
"Who's Wither" says Hadley
"Wither is a thing with Maddison" says Caroline
"We are not a thing! He just been very generous with me!"
"You two are basically dating. I don't know why you like to deny it" says Claire rudely
"We are not dating! Your only saying that because you have a crush on Hugo! He would never date anyone with a Mudblood parent!" I yell
"At least we know who are dad was when we were born!" Yells Caroline
"How dare you?!" I say as I slap both of them
"Maddison calm down" says Hadley
"I want you both to know you can die just like your Mudblood mother did in the hands of Voldemort!" I say as everyone gasp and Claire and Caroline are crying
"Ms.Malfoy! Come along!" Yells the headmistress
"Yes Madame"
"Ms. Malfoy your behavior was unacceptable!" Says the Headmistress
"Madame those two filthy halfbloods were messing with me"
"Very well. I shall suspend both Claire and Caroline Abadie" says the headmistress
"Thank you Madame" I say as I walk out of her office and go to the bubbly forest
"Madeline! You made it" says Hugo as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it
"Of course I was made it"
"Come. I must show you the picnic I made for us" says Hugo as he close my eyes takes my hand and guide me to the picnic

"Open!" Says Hugo and I open my eyes"Wow!" "Cmon follow the trail and we'll be there" say Hugo as we continue walking"Hugo

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"Open!" Says Hugo and I open my eyes
"Cmon follow the trail and we'll be there" say Hugo as we continue walking
"Hugo... you shouldn't have!" I say shocked as I looked at the food

"It's all our favorites" says Hugo as he takes my hand and we sit together and eat"This was very lovely Hugo" "Thank you hope we can do this more often" says Hugo "Hugo

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"It's all our favorites" says Hugo as he takes my hand and we sit together and eat
"This was very lovely Hugo"
"Thank you hope we can do this more often" says Hugo
"Yea?" Says Hugo
"Got to Hogwarts. Next year, so we can spend more time together"
"My father wants me to go to Durmstrang. You know th-"
You can convince him! Tell him that more dark arts are learned at Hogwarts. Your father doesn't know anything about Hogwarts"
"I will. Maddison I love you. Can I be the honored PureBlood boy to be your boyfriend?" Says Hugo as he get close up to my face
"Of course Hugo." I say as we kiss each
"Wow!" I say as I pull away from the kiss
"We have to get back" says Hugo as we hold each other's hand back to the castle

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