First Year Over

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Maddison POV
"Maddison are you ok!"
"I think she is waking up!"
"Move Potter!"
"Is she going to be awake soon?!"
"She's been like this for only 2hrs"
"What if she never wakes up"
"What are you guys talking about?..." I say as I wake up
"Maddison!" they say as they all hug me.
"I'm fine from the hugging thank you" I say as they pull back I see everyone. Draco, Pansy, Harry, Hermione, Ronald, Daphne, even Crabbe and Goyle
"Come on you have to get up!" Says Draco
"For what?"
"The house cup come on" says Daphne as she dragged me into the great hall with my pajamas on. Everyone claps
"Why are they Clapping?"
"For you!" Says Harry
"You helped Harry to get the Philosopher's Stone" says Hermione
"No I didn't I just got him to the mirror"
"Everyone sit as I give the points for the house cup!" Says Dumbledore
"Gryffindor in last place with 312 points, Slytherin in 3rd with 395, Hufflepuff in 2nd with 406, and Ravenclaw in 1st with 430 points." Says Dumbledore as everyone is disappointed, while Ravenclaw cheers
"Rubbish!!" Says Draco
"But! I need to add some last minute points. 8 points to Mr. Neville Longbottom for standing up to his friends when needed the most. 10 points to Miss. Hermione Granger for her cleverness. Mr. Ronald Weasley for his amazing talent for Wizards chess. 100 point to Mr. Harry Potter for his bravery like a true Gryffindor.  That leads Gryffindor with 440 points!" Says Dumbledore
"WhoHoo!" Yells Everyone In Gryffindor
"I also want to add more last points! 5 point to Ms. Pansy Parkinson for her development. 10 point to Ms. Daphne Greengrass for her caring soul. 10 points to Mr. Draco Malfoy for his talent of flying. Finally! 20 points to Ms. Maddison Malfoy-Potter for giving family a chance and seeing the best in people when others don't!" Says Dumbledore
"That bring Gryffindor and Slytherin a tie" says Pansy
"I think it's time for a change! Proudly sharing the house cup! Gryffindor and Slytherin!" Says Dumbledore
"WOOHOO! YEAH!" Everyone yells from Gryffindor and Slytherin
2 days later
"It time to go back home" says Draco as we go off the train
"I know hey umm I'll meet you to Mother and Father" I say as I see Harry, Hermione, and Ron
"Ok be quick" says Draco
"Harry!" I say as I walk over to them
"Maddison!" He says as he hugs me
"Hey I got to be quick but I was wondering if I can write to you guys this summer?"
"Sure! maybe you can visit me sometime" says Hermione
"It'll be wicked" says Ron
"It love to!" Says Harry
"Amazing! Oh and Harry!"
"Yes?" Says Harry
"I got this for you" I say as I hand him a bag
"What is it?" Says Harry
"I know your family doesn't feed you often. So I made up a charm and all you have to do is put your hand inside the bag think about what you want to eat and it'll show in your palm"
"Thank you Maddison" says Harry
"Maddison dear! Where are you?" Says Mother
"I got to go! Bye Harry! Here I come Mother" I say as I run towards my mother

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