Tournament held at Hogwarts this year?

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The Next Day
Maddison POV
"Lucius we can't enter her" I hear Mother
"She'll have to do it. She's strong enough. Draco wouldn't be to fond about it" says Father
"Lucius.... Please don't make her" says Mother
"Narcissa she'll have to do it to prove her worth" says Father
"She's great already!" Says Mother
"The Dark Lord wants to see her fight. After all she is the heir. She still need to meet her Uncle." Says Father
"He won't talk to her at all until he says she's ready" says Mother
"She'll have to be in the Tournament at Hogwarts" says Father
"How will she get in?" Says Mother
"I have someone to put her name and Harry's in the Goblet of Fire" says Father and I run up to Draco's Room
"Draco! Mother and Father are planning something!" I say as I run in
"Planning what exactly?" Says Draco
"I can't tell you. You'll ask them"
"Then get out of my room. I have a date with Pansy and I'll like to look sharp" says Draco
"Whatever" I say as I go to my room
"Ugh why do brothers have to be so annoying Malibu?" I say as I pet her
"You mustn't tell the golden trio about what you heard" says Malibu
"Right. They'll tell Dumbledore."
"Don't get too sad. You can tell Hugo." Says Thomas-Henry
"He believed me about the World Cup events"
"Hugo can be trusted. My cousin worked for Hugo's Father, Watson Chapell. Watson is a follower with the Dark Lord along with your father" says Malibu
"I need to find a snake close from here"
"Why exactly?" Says Thomas-Henry
"A familiar of Grandfather will be nearby"
"Your going to try to find Nagini? The biggest snake? The only one who takes commands by the Dark Lord" says Malibu
"Nagini will be near somewhere. She only go near heirs of Slytherin" I say and I go to the backyard
"Go insside! You're not ssupposed to be here Maddisson" says Nagini as I spot her
"Nagini pleasse"
"No young sspeaker! Masster wantss you insside!" Says Nagini
"Where's Grandfather? He musst be here"
"Stubborn just like your mother. I should've known. After all you are a Black" says a man
"Who are you?"
"Don't you remember me when you were a baby Maddison? I'm Unknown, Unknown Black" Says Unknown
"So your my uncle? Who decided to name you unknown anyway? Such a ridiculous name"
"Watch your tone Maddison. After all who do you think has been apart of you your whole life?" Says Unknown
"Get away from her!" Yells Mother
"Narcissa, nice to see you again. How has Lucius been treating you?" Says Unknown or should I just say Uncle
"Leave Maddison alone! She's not going with you!" Says Mother as she pulls me back
"So you didn't tell her? Of her fate? Her powers!" Yells Uncle
"What are you guys talking about?"
"Maddison lets go" says Father
"No. Not until someone tells me what's going on!" I say as everything goes blurry
"Calm down Maddison!" Says Mother
"Maddison!" Says Father
"She's can't!" Says Uncle then everything goes black

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