Slugs and Voices

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Maddison POV
One Week Later
"Where are you going?" I say as I see Draco leaving breakfast
"I am seeker I have to go practice" says Draco as he walks out
"Where is Draco going?" Says Pansy
"Come on!" I say as run to the quidditch field
"What are you gouts doing here we have practice?" Says Oliver Wood
"Well would he have a special note from snape to practice here" says Marcus Flint
"Met me see that!" Says Oliver Wood
"You have a new seeker? Who?" Says Oliver
"Draco Malfoy." Says Marcus
"Those are nimbus 2001 broomsticks!" Says Ron
"You see Weasley this was a gift from Draco and Maddison's Father. He said we ought to have good equipment to win." Says Marcus
"Unlike some Families my father know the importance of fortune" says Draco
"At least nobody on Gryffindor had to buy their way in they got it on pure talent" says Hermione
"Hermione why did you-" I start as Draco cut me off
"Shut up you filthy MudBlood!" Yells Draco as Hermione is on the verge of tears
"Eat slugs Malfoy!" Says Ron
"Slugulus Eructo!" Says Ron as he point his wand at Draco
"Protego!" I shout as a shield goes up around the Slytherin team
"Look out!" Yells Harry to Ron as his charm bounces from the shield onto himself
"Hahaha!" Laughs the Slytherin team as Ron throws up slugs
"Come let's get Ron to Hagrid" says Harry
Later in the Castle
Harry POV
"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley you two have detention for tardiness to my class. Potter your with Lockhart and Weasley you are to polish trophies!" Says Professor McGonagall
"Yes Professor" Ron and I say as we sit down
Detention with Lockhart
"Ah..... Mr.Potter! Come on in your helping me with fan mail!" Professor Lockhart
"Kill!" Says a voice
"Do you hear that?"
"Hear what Harry?" Says Professor Lockhart
Maddison POV
"Kill! For I am Hungry!" Says a snake
"Who are you!" I say in Parseltounge
"For I am a Basilisk!" Says the snake
"Maddie who are you talking to?" Says Pansy
"You were talking to a snake! Where is it?" Says Daphne excited
"It's a Basilisk in Hogwarts" I say as Pansy looks confused
"How do you know?" Says Pansy
"Maddison is a Parselmouth!" Says Daphne
"No way! Your Salazar Slytherin's heiress!" Says Pansy
"I know! Why do you think I was sorted into Slytherin!"
A/n: Ok before questions come! Both Harry and Maddison are parselmouth. Harry doesn't know he is until the duel between Draco but Maddison knew about being a parselmouth when she was told at age 4 by Lucius when he saw her talking to a snake.

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