Christmas Time 🎄

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Maddison POV
"Wake up! Wake up Madi!" Says Daphne
I remember that today we go home for the holidays.
"I'm up!"
"Come on get dressed! We have breakfast than we have to go to the train!" Says Daphne
"I know! This is going to be so amazing! Mother and Father are having the Christmas party at the Manor"
"I know mother told me we're going@ says Daphne as we go to breakfast
"Maddison have you got you belongings packed?" Says Draco as he sit down at Slytherin table
"Of course I'm to excited" I say as we here Dumbledore speak
Harry POV
"Everyone who is going away for the holidays are to report to the train now" says Dumbledore
"Ron why aren't you leaving?" Says Hermione
"Change of plans, Mum and dad is visiting my brother Charlie in Romania" says Ron
"Oh Harry are you going with Maddison?" Says Hermione
"No, I'm staying here. Don't you know we live with 2 different families"
"The Malfoy's never stay at Hogwarts for the holidays" says Ron
"Why not?" Says Hermione
"They always have this pureblood Christmas party" says Ron
"Do your parents get invited"
"No they think we are blood traitors. Mom says she doesn't know where their Manor or party is" says Ron
"That's because my family don't need disgusting mudblood/muggles associates in their house" says Draco
"Come on Draco" tells Maddison
"Coming" says Draco as he runs to catch up
"Why couldn't Maddison live with me?"
"Possibly she wasn't, he who must not be named target" says Hermione
"Maybe or she's too powerful" says Ron
"Why do you say that?"
"She can speak to any animal. That's rare in the Wizarding World" says Ron
Maddison POV
As we near the platform 9 3/4 I hear Daphne and Pansy talk about the party
"Ih u can't wait until you guys see my dress! It's so beautiful!" Says Daphne
"My mum got mine too its wonderful" says Pansy
"My Mum told me see has it but she's not telling me what it looks like"
"I can't wait to see my family it's been so long!" Says Pansy
"I know right I missed my mum teaching me" I say as we get off the train
"Children over here" says Father
"Father!" I say as he picked me up and hugged me
"Hello Maddison" says Father
"Oh children how we missed you" says Mother as Draco and I hugged her
"Let's go children. Hold on and don't let go" says Father as I close my eyes then open them again and I see we are home
"You children go upstairs and get comfort and ready for bed" says Mother
"We have to be very energized tomorrow for the Christmas party" says Father
A/n: Next chapter is the Christmas party and I will be showing the dresses and tuxedos everyone is going to be wearing😁😁

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