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Maddison POV
"Maddison you have to decide" says Mother
"Mother I like Hogwarts but I feel Beauxbatons can help me towards womanhood"
"You have to decide in 2 days" says Mother
"I don't want you to get yourself hurt every year" says Father
"You should go to Beauxbatons Maddison" says Draco
"You'll be in Hogwarts for your 4th year and so on" says Father
"So I'll miss this year?"
"Yes that's all" says Father
"I'll tell you by tomorrow night"
A/n: I know this chapter is really short but I need to say something. Even if o choose for Maddison to got to Beauxbatons I will still write her 3rd year. My problem is I know nothing about Beauxbatons so it'll be a challenge. Also Slytherin won the house cup by 3 points from Gryffindor.

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