Muggles, Mudbloods, and Blood Traitors

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Maddison POV
"Is she up yet?" I hear Harry say
"She's not awake so no" says Madame Pomfrey
"It doesn't matter Potter. She's going home."  Says Draco
"That's Barbaric." Says Hermione
"Why am I going home?" I say sitting up and Hermione hugs me
"Father says you are to stay home for a week until you heal" says Draco and I flop back down
"Why me? I always have to go home!"
"It's not that bad Maddison. You will be with your mother" says Father as he sneers at Harry and Hermione
"She should be staying here. It's best" says Harry
"Is it Mr.Potter? And tell if she were to stay with you where would she eat and sleep? Hmm?" Says Father
"She would eat on a table and sleep in a bed" says Harry rudely
"Really? When your own family barely let you do that? And clearly my daughter will not be dining with Muggles, Mudbloods, and Blood traitors!" Says Father as I look at Hermione and she storms out. Draco of course snickers.
"Hope you get well soon Maddison" says Harry as he angrily walks out
"Draco you best be on your way to class" says Father and Draco nods
"Yes Father" says Draco and he leaves
"Why did you say that about Harry and Hermione? What about what you promised?"
"I won't ever accept Mudbloods or Blood Traitors. I don't care what I promised"says Father
"I don't want to speak to you. I want to go home."
"As you say" says Father and we apparate to the manor
(A/n: sorry for the short chapter. Next chapter will be the Yule Ball🥰. Also if you are wondering Maddison has a sprained ankle and a bruise on her back.)

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