Tom Riddle's Dairy

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A/n: This is a Just Harry chapter. As Maddison is Home. Next chapter will go as usual. This chapter is a bit short but I had to add this in.
Harry POV
As Ron and I overhear Filch complaining about his workload
"Don't pat me enough for this stuff." He says as We arrive at Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to find it still flooded.
"What happened Myrtle?" Says Hermione
"i had flooded it because someone flushed a diary down the toilet and on to me" says Myrtle as I pick up the diary.
"It belong to.... Tom Marvolo Riddle?"
"Who's Tom Riddle?" Says Hermione
"I heard that name before! Oh! During detention. Tom Riddle has won an award for a special service to the school 50 years ago! I remember because I had another slug attack on the trophy" says Ron
"That's Brilliant!"
"Don't you remember what Malfoy said? 50 years ago the chamber of secrets was opened. What if Tom Riddle wrote what he saw! Maybe he knows how to open it. But why would want the diary laying around?" Says Hermione
"Those are all great questions Hermione. But one problem is there's nothing written in the diary" I say showing and going through the pages

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