Christmas Time!! Pt.2

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Maddison POV
"Mother I don't wa-"
"It's finally Maddison. We will be going to Garcon Manor for the Christmas Party" says Mother
"Mother I don't want to see Hugo face!"
"Let's go Maddison" say Father as we all hold hand and apparate to the Wither's home
"Mr.Malfoy! Please to have you and your family here!" Says Wither's Father as he tries to shake Father hand but Father look down at it
"Yes. Pleasure to be here" says Father coldly as we walk in
"Madeline" says Wither as he walks towards me but I walk to the other guest
"Stop walking away from me Madeline" says Wither as he grabs my arm roughly and pulls me towards him
"Wither you're hurting me"
"Shut up!" Says Wither as he takes me upstairs to a guest room
"I'm going back downstairs!" I yell as I go to the door but he pushes me down to the floor
"Stop! I just want to talk to you Maddison" say Wither as I clutch my foot
"You hurt my foot! I can't stand!" I cry
"It's not my fault! You cheated on me! You were mine." Says Wither
"I'm no ones. We were never dating. You're horrible Wither!" I yell as I throw the necklace he gave me at him
"Leave her alone Wither!" Shout Hugo as he comes in and points his wand at Wither
"I just wanted to talk to her man" say Wither
"Hugo I need Draco or my father. My foot is hurt and I have a bruise on my arm" I say as Hugo carries me in bridal style
"You'll pay for this Garcon" say Hugo as he casts Crucio and I see Wither drop down in pain
"Let's go" I say as Hugo carries me to Father
"What happened to my daughter Hugo?" Say Father as he takes me from Hugo
"Sir she's hurt. I believe it's her foot and a bruise on her arm from Wither Garcon" says Hugo
"My dear baby are you ok? Did that retched boy hurt you?" Says Mother
"Only my foot is hurting and a bruise on my arm Mother"
"Can you stand Maddison?" Says Father
"No Father. It hurt worse if I stand"
"I'll take her to St. Mungo. Make sure Draco don't know about this until we get back to the Manor" says Father as Mother kiss my forehead
"Draco will not know. Hugo I want you to go with Maddison to keep her company" say Mother
"Will do Ma'am" says Hugo as we all apparate to St. Mungo
"It's such a shame that I didn't get to dance with you in your beautiful dress" says Hugo
"Well such as shame that we couldn't dance with your wonderful tuxedo" I say as I sit up and kiss he cheek
"I can't wait for Hogwarts. I get to spend more time with you" says Hugo
"How's your foot Ms.Malfoy?" Says the nurse
"It's fine thank you"
"Me.Malfoy you're free to go. Stay off your foot a little and you'll be fine" says the doctor
"Hugo it's time to go" says Hugo's Mother
"Bye Maddison" says Hugo as he kiss my cheek and go toward his mother
"Hope your foot gets better Maddison" says Hugo's Mother
"Thank you Ms.Regina" I say as Father apparate is back to the Manor
"Maddison what happened?" Says Draco
"I just sprained my foot that's all" I lie
"Oh." Says Draco
A/n: Here's Maddison dress and Hugo's tuxedo

" Says Draco ____________________________A/n: Here's Maddison dress and Hugo's tuxedo Maddison

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