Charms Madness

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Draco POV
"Wait until Father here's about this!"
"About what Draco?" Says Maddison
"That a MudBlood would say you not intelligent if anything she's that unintelligent one!"
"Don't worry Draco, she'll see how smart I am" says Maddison
I hear Maddison say as we walk into charms. That Filthy MudBlood don't know what's going to hit her.
Maddison POV
"Come in class! Welcome to Charms!" Says Professor Flitwick
"Hello Professor" yells the class
"I'm Professor Flitwick! Today I'm going to explain how to do the charm Wingardium Leviosa!!" He says
"Do anyone know what the charm does?" Says Professor Flitwick
My hand calmly went up as Hermione hand went straight up.
"Ah.... Young Ms. Malfoy-Potter what does the charm do?" Says Professor Flitwick
"Wingardium Leviosa is the charm that levitate the object/objects, to make the object/objects levitate you do swish and flick with your wand as so. May I demonstrate?"
"Yes you may!" Says Professor Flitwick surprised and intrigued
"Wingardium Leviosa!" I say as the feather goes up in the air
"Well done Ms. Malfoy-Potter has done it! 10 points to Slytherin!" Says Professor Flitwick
Harry POV
Everyone looked at Maddison in shock. She knew the charm while everyone else didn't even know how to do it. Hermione even didn't know how to preform it good!
"Class dismissed!" Says Professor Flitwick
"OMG!! She knew it all!" Says Hermione
"She's amazing!"
"She know more than Hermione" says Ron
"After that I think she do" says Hermione
"Charms was hard and my little sister got it before me!!" Says Draco to his "group" as they walked near us
"I'm sorry I couldn't stop reading the book" giggles Maddison
"How many times did you read the books for this year?" Daphne asks her
"7 times to make sure I get good grades and performances" says Maddison
"You certainly gave Granger a run!" Says Blaise laughing
"Yea I did! A Lower class shouldn't be smarter than the upper class" says Maddison as they walk by us
"That's bloody ridiculous!" Says Ron
"Actually Ronald! My mother told me that and I don't think she's ridiculous!" Says Maddison
"Your mother is a git" says Ron
Maddison POV
"For your information Ronald my mother gives good advice unlike your mother who is a whore for your father!! Having more children than they can afford!! Worthless just like your grandparents!!"
"You take that back!!" Says Ron as he tries to lunge at me but Draco pushes me behind him and punches him in the face
"Don't ever go near my sister again weasel!!" yells Draco
"What is going on here!" Says Snape
"Malfoy's in my office!!" Says Snape
"Ronald, Hermione, and Harry Detention!!" Says Snape as he takes me and Draco to his office
"Your father will be contacted so will your mother,  and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley" says Snape
"I'm sorry Uncle Snape" says Draco and I say
"Children are you ok!" Says Mother as she hurries in the office
Oh no......

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