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"Come no on children!" Yells Mother
"Coming Mother" Draco and I say in unison
"Draco your father is taking you to the platform while I take to Paris to get on the carriages" says Mother
"Bye Draco! I'll see during winter holidays" I shout as Mother and I apparate to Paris, France
"There's the carriages" says Mother
"Don't worry Mother I'll write to you every week of my time here." I say as I try to comfort her
"You'll do fine here Maddison. I love you." Says Mother as she hugs me
"I love you too Mother" I say as I get on the carriage and it starts to fly and stop at Beauxbatons.
A/n: Yes. I know this is a short chapter but Next chapter is Maddison sorting and meeting friends. I know they all are Veela but I'll just make them speak English due to the fact that I don't want to write French the English under it.

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