Where's Maddison?

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Harry POV at the first year sorting
"Harry where's Maddison?" Says Hermione
"She's at the Slytherin table"
"No she's not look!" Say Ron as I look over and don't see Maddison
"Maybe she's late?" Say Ginny
"Maddison is never late."
"Well maybe she is for the first time Harry" says Ron
"She wouldn't miss have missed the sorting this year" says Hermione
"Lucan Lestrange is getting sorted this year. Lacan is Maddison favorite cousin." Says Hermione
The Next day
"Greengrass!" I shout to Daphne as Ron, Hermione and I run towards her
"What do you want Potter?" Says Daphne
"Where's Maddison?"
"She's coming back next year Potter" says Daphne
"Where has she gone for this year?" Say Hermione
"She went to Beauxbatons Granger" says Daphne
"Beauxbatons? What's that's?"
"It's a wizarding school in France" says Hermione
"Why would she go there?"
"Maddison told me her father wanted her to go to a school where it's safe from harm. She had to choose between Hogwarts or Beauxbatons. And you now know what she picked" says Daphne as she walked away from us to join Pansy
"Blimey Harry!" Says Ron
"How come she didn't send letters telling us?" Says Hermione
"She told Daphne and Pansy"
"I'm pretty sure everyone in Slytherin knows!" Says Ron
"Probably not"
"They do know. I heard that Slytherin wasn't letting anyone in her dorm that she shared with Daphne, Pansy, and Millicent" says Hermione
"Why are they doing that?"
"They are waiting for her to return next year" says Hermione
"That's barbaric!" Shouts Ron
A week later
"Why is an owl in the great hall?" Says Ron
"To deliver mail" says Hermione
"Not any old mail! It's Maddison owl!"
"It going over to Slytherin!" Says Ron as Maddison owl goes from Slytherin to Hermione
"Thank you Thomas-Henry!" Says Hermione as she takes the letter and open it
"What does it say?"
"It says:
Dear Hermione,
You're going to get this a week after I give letters to my Slytherin family. I heard you say you wanted to know what other wizarding schools are like so I am gifting you this handbook about Beauxbatons.
Maddison Malfoy" says Hermione
"She gave you a letter and not us!"
"The rules are barbaric!" Says Hermione
"What?" I say as Ron reads the handbook
"It says here that: Mudbloods nor anyone of the child of 2 Muggle are allowed inside the school. Tuition is 1,000 galleons!!(which is £5000 in UK and $6,236.06 in U.S) Must have requested letter to go to Beauxbatons. Acceptance letter aren't a such thing. Once expelled, you nor your future generations can go to Beauxbatons." Says Ron
"That's a lot of money and strict rules"
"No wonder anyone but purebloods go! Anyone else is just unworthy of such money!" Says Hermione

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