The Talk

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Harry POV
"Ron you could get my sister in trouble"
"She started it!! Saying my mother's a whore for my father!!" Says Ron
"You called her mother a git" says Hermione
"It doesn't matter she's not going to get expelled" says Ron
"You never know, what if she gets detention or the Malfoy's sue your family for hitting and assaulting their kids" says Hermione
"I haven't thought about that.." says Ron
"We might have tons of house points loss" says Hermione as we head into transfiguration
Maddison POV
As Snape finished talking to my parents about what happened and that Draco will be receiving detention.
"Thank you Severus, Draco you may go back to Transfiguration." Says Father
"Yes Father" says Draco as he left in just left there with Father, Mother, and Uncle Snape
"Maddison we have a serious matter to talk about" says Mother
"I can handle it Mother"
"You are not going to speak at Harry Potter at all this year" says Father
"Yes, Father I agree with you. What if Harry Potter talks to me?"
"You must ignore him" say Father
"That's rude father, but I'll do it"
"Good girl" says Father
"Maddison I know Harry Potter is your biological brother, but you can't talk to him" says Mother
"I understand completely"
"Go off and go to lunch" says Father
"Goodbye Mother. Goodbye Father"
"Goodbye Maddison" Mother and Father says in unison
Draco POV
It's now lunch time and I still haven't seen Maddison.
"Draco!" Says Maddison as she runs to me
"Maddison where were you?!" I say as I hug her
"Father and Mother talked to me" she says
"That's good and settled. Did you hear how many Gryffindor points was lost"
"No? How many was lost?" Says Maddison
"120 points! There in last place now! With 130 points!"
"Amazing!" Says Maddison as she sat down and eat
"Hey um... Maddison I'm sorry if Ron got you in trouble, I hope your okay" says Potter
I figured that Maddison was going to say something but she just act liked he wasn't there
"You see Potter MY sister isn't interested in talking to you"
"Oh Shut up Malfoy" Potter says as he goes to Gryffindor table
Harry POV
"What happened Harry? Says Hermione
"She ignored me"
"She ignored you? You two were doing just fine" says Ron
"I guess after the chat with Draco's parent she stopped"
"This is awful, but we need to talk to Hagrid about the three headed dog" says Hermione
"Ok let's go then"

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