Rescuing Harry

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Maddison POV
As I'm in my room and reading my books for second year again I hear tapping on my window. I see it my owl Thomas-Henry.
"Hello Thomas-Henry!"
"Hello Madame, I come here to give you a letter" says My owl
"From who?" I say as I wasn't expecting a letter
"The Weasels" say My owl
"Ugh! I hate them!" I say as I take the letter it say:
Dear Maddison,
You probably don't want to here from me or you won't get this because of the security of your Manor. I wanted to ask can you come with me and my brothers to save Harry.
"Madame are you even allowed to go with the Weasels?" Says My owl
"No I am not Allowed. I have a way to get to Harry without the redhead idiots"
"May I ask how!" Says Malibu
"Oh Malibu you're up!"
"Yes I am now please explain!" Says Malibu
"Well. I'm going to apparate to Number 4 Privet Drive"
"Your mother and father told you not to speak to Harry" says Malibu
"I'm not going to speak to Harry"
"Then whoo are you going to speak to?" Says My owl
"My filthy Muggle aunt and uncle!"
"Maddison Dear!" Says Mother
"Coming Mother" I say as I go downstairs
"Did you finish reading you books?" Says Mother
"Yes mother. May I go to the Greengrass Manor to spend time with Daphne?"
"Of course you may!" Say Mother
"Thank you mother." I say as o kiss her cheek and apparate to Harry's house
Harry POV
I sit in Dudley's second bedroom as it's my new room and think about Maddison. My little sister can't speak to me because of her other parents. I refuse to say Mum and Dad as they are not them. Then I hear a knock at the door.
"Boy! Go get the dirt I know you here it!" says Uncle Vernon
"Yes sir" I say as I go downstairs and open the door
"Hello Harry. May I come in?" Says Maddison
"Uhhh...  Um...."
"Bring the girl in boy and bring her in here!" Says Uncle Vernon
"Yes sir" I say as I take Maddison in the kitchen
"Who may you be?" Says Uncle Vernon
"I'm-" Maddison starts
"Oh look at you dear! So beautiful!" Says Aunt Petunia
"I came here for Dudley!" Says Maddison
"Harry! Show this beauty to Dudley's Room!" Says Aunt Petunia
"Yes Ma'am" I say as I take Maddison upstairs
"Harry Pack your things...." Maddison whispers
"What? Why!" I whisper back
"I'm taking you to the Weasels House" says Maddison
"Ok!" I say as I pack my stuff and go into the hall
"Come on!" Says Maddison as she takes us to a burrow
"What did you do?"
"I apparated!" Says Maddison
"Just keep walking the Path" says Maddison as she apparate again
Maddison POV
"Yes dear" says Harry aunt
"I didn't catch your name?"
"My name Petunia and my husband is Vernon" she says
"I'm Maddison. Maddison Lily Malfoy-Potter"
"Did you just say Potter?!" Says Petunia
"Yes I did. I'm Lily and James daughter. Younger than Harry by a year"
"Why are you here!" Says Petunia
"I came to pick up Harry of course!"
"You insolent little girl!" Says Vernon
"Oh don't worry he's at his stupid friends house. He'll see you next summer!" I say as I apparate out of their house and into my own
A/n: Doby already came. Instead of the Weasley's it was Maddison. Maddison doesn't have trace. If you don't know every wizard/ witch has a trace. The trace forbids you of any illegal magic or performing magic in front of Muggles. Maddison doesn't have this yet because she isn't 11 yet. Guys next chapter is going to be her birthday 🎁 🎂

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