Enemies Beware!

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Harry POV
"Harry you can go now!" Says Professor Lockhart as I walk out and see Ron and Hermione
"Bout time you was finished Harry we need to go to the Halloween Feast!" Says Ron
"We have to hurry before the speech starts" says Hermione
"Ok let's go!" I say as I hear the voice again
"Kill!" Says the voice
"Did you guys here that?"
"Hear what Harry!" Says Ron
"Kill!! For I am hungry!!" Says the voice
"That! That voice!"
"Harry are you ok?" Says Hermione
"Just follow me!" I say as I follow the voice to the second floor
"There's water on the floor" says Hermione
"Look!" I say as we see a message and Ms. Norris dead and a student screams
"What does it say" says Ron
"It says" :
"Oh dear" says Dumbledore
"He's done it! Potter boy he killed Ms. Norris
"No- sir I didn't" I says as everyone start to whisper
Maddison POV
"Enemies of the  heir?... do you have enemies?" Whispers Daphne
"No! I didn't do this we have to go!" I say as I drag Daphne and Pansy with me
"Enemies of the Heir, Beware! You'll be next, Mudbloods!" Yells Draco
"Draco come on!" I shout
In the Slytherin girls dormitory

A/n: Millicent, Daphne, Pansy and Maddison are in share one of the girls dormitory"Did you do that?" Says Pansy "No! I was with you guys!""Who did it? Who here knows that your Salazar Slytherin Heiress?" Says Daphne "Only Draco, Snape, and you two...

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A/n: Millicent, Daphne, Pansy and Maddison are in share one of the girls dormitory
"Did you do that?" Says Pansy
"No! I was with you guys!"
"Who did it? Who here knows that your Salazar Slytherin Heiress?" Says Daphne
"Only Draco, Snape, and you two!"
"Wait that's it!" Says Pansy
"What?" Daphne and I say in unison
"It was the Heir of Slytherin! It couldn't be Maddison!" Says Pansy as I realize what she means
"Am I the only on not getting this?" Says Daphne
"Pansy means that I'm the Heiress! So if it was me I would've wrote enemies of the heiress beware!" I say excited
"That means.... we have to find who we're all the heir/heiress of Salazar Slytherin" says Daphne
"Where would we find that?" Says Pansy
"I know exactly where to find that!" I say excited
"Where?" Says Daphne
"The Restricted section"
"We must go tonight" says Pansy
"Agreed!" Daphne and I say in unison
"I know exactly how we can get in!"
"How?" Says Pansy and Daphne
"Harry's invisibility cloak!"

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