Mad-Eye Moody

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Maddison POV
"What are you dong here?" Ask Hermione and I groan
"I wanted to take more classes so I have to take it with Gryffindors"
"Now, according to the Ministry of Magic, I'm supposed to teach you countercurses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what illegal Dark curses look like until you're in the sixth year...How are you supposed to defend yourself against something you've never seen? ...You need to be prepared. You need to be alert and watchful." Says Moody and my eyes widened
"What are you talking about" says Ron
"Today I'm going to teach you about the 3 unforgivable curses" says Moody and everyone looks horrified
"Do anyone know any?" Says a moody and Hermione shakily raises here hand
"Imperious Curse" says Hermoine and Moody demonstrates it
"Maddison come up. Your art the test subject for this one" says Moody as I step up
"You see class once I cast it she'll do anything I say" says Moody and I roll my eyes
"Imperio!" Says Moody and I hear a voice
"Jump up and down."
"Why would you do that. He's trying to make a joke out of you. Your stronger. He's weak"
"Excellent! Ms.Potter fought if off" says Moody
using spiders as his test subjects: The Imperius Curse, a mind control spell, The Cruciatus Curse, a pain inflicting spell, and The Killing Curse, a spell that causes instant death to any living thing it hits. He also reveals the the use of these spells gain the user a one way ticket to Azkaban
Time Skip
"I can't believe he would do that!" Says Hadley and Daphne as I told them what happened
"I know. It's like he had something against me"
"Maddison! I'm starting SPEW" says Hermoine and I look at her confused
"What is SPEW?"
"It's a club for fighting for house-elf rights and I just spent time in the library researching house-elf history."
"Hermoine don't you know it's what they are born to do. It's not forced, they are doing it willingly. Their purpose is to serve" I says to Hermoine
"That's not the point. Look how your father treated Dobby" says Hermoine and I sigh
"Whatever. I'm not helping you but I'm joining."
"Thank you!" Says Hermoine as she hugs me
"Only because they can't seem to do anything right recently"

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