Sirius Black?

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Maddison POV
"Did you here the news?" Hadley whispers to me in class
"What news?"
"That Sirius Black broke out of Azkaban" whispers Hadley
"Class is dismissed! Off to lunch!" Says Mr.Quinn
"Yeah he broke out and is nowhere to be found" says Hadley as we leave the classroom and head to lunch
"Who is Sirius Black anyway?"
"Sirius Black was the man who killed 23 muggles and told Voldemort about where Potter and his parents were." Says Hadley
"Woah! Then why is everyone afraid then? Won't he only go after Mudbloods and there parents?"
"My father said that Sirius didn't kill the 23 muggles but someone else did and they did a huge favor for the PureBlood families"
"I want to meet this Sirius Black. He doesn't sound to bad"
"Your are mad" says Hadley as we enter the dining chamber
"Hey Maddie!" Says Reese as she comes up to me and Hadley
"Hello Reese" I say as I give her a hug and Hadley looks confused
"You know Reese?" Says Hadley
"Yes. She's my cousin. This is my aunt Bella daughter"
"Bellatrix has a daughter?!" Says Hadley
"Of course she does and that's me" says Reese rudely
"Ok let's sit and eat lunch"
"Sirius Black is in the Castle! Sirius Black is in the Corridor Maddison!" I here the voice shout and I look around
"Sirius Black is in the Corridor! Go!" The voice yells and I get up and go in corridor
"Who are you?" Says Sirius
"I know your Sirius Black?"
"Your a smart girl just like your mother" says Sirius
"You don't know my mother" I say as I go closer
"Of course I do Maddison. After all your mother is my cousin" says Sirius as he steps into the light
"Why are you here?"
"I needed to visit my godchild" says Sirius
"Your lying. Father never let a Azkaban prisoner be my godfather" I say as I walk toward the common room but Sirius stops me
"I'm your godfather by James. Your real father" says Sirius
"Go or I'm going to headmistress office and tell her you are here"
"We will meet again Maddison" says Sirius as she walks away
"I'll doubt it. Go visit Harry if you will" I say to Sirius as I go to my dormitory and go back to sleep

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