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2 days later
Harry POV
"What...?" I say as I check all the pages to see no ink on any of them when I spilled ink on the diary earlier
"My name is Harry Potter" I wrote in the diary as it sinks in
"I am Tom Riddle" the diary writes back
"Do you know how to open the chamber of secrets?" I wrote back
"Yes" Tom Riddle wrote
"Can you tell me?" I wrote
"No. I'll show you" Tom Riddle wrote as I get sucked into the book
Maddison POV
"Maddie!" Shouts Daphne
"You're Back!" Says Pansy
"We have to go to our dormitory now." I say seriously
"What's wrong?" Says Daphne as we sit down on my bed
"Harry is my half brother and so is Draco."
"What?!" Daphne and Pansy says in unison
"Narcissa is my Mother and James Potter is my Father."
"So you are a Black, Malfoy, and a Potter?" Says Pansy
"No wonder your in Slytherin!" Says Daphne
"I also got the Book of Slytherin Heirs!"
"What does it say?" Says Pansy
"It says:
Salazar Slytherin heir/heiress must speak parseltounge which is a natural characteristic. Salazar Slytherin heir/heiress been in on Slytherin house no other. We have traced a few heir/heiress to know which is the first and last .
Last Written: August 31, 1982
Salazar Slytherin
Cadmus Perevell
Meridian Peverell
Marvolo Gaunt
Merope Gaunt
Tom Riddle Jr.
Unknown Black
Maddison Malfoy-Potter" I finish
"Wow!" Says Pansy
"It's only 8 generations!" Says Daphne
"It was Last written the day I turned 1."
"Maddie! I need your help!" Says Wither at the door
"What is it?"
"It's Draco! He's fighting Harry!" Says Wither
"Come on!" I say as I run to the Great Hall
"Stop!" Says Daphne as she tries to break them up
"Protege!" I shout as the shield goes in between Harry and Draco
"What is the meaning of this" says Professor Dumbledore
"He started it Professor" says Harry pointing at Draco
"You assaulted me first!" Says Draco
"Harry and Mr.Malfoy detention. Maddison will also be joining you two." Says Dumbledore
"Excuse me Dumbledore you must be mistaken."
"No I am not. If I'm correct they were fight over you. All I ask is to go with them to settle the conflict." says Dumbledore
"That's do not fair" says Pansy
"Wait until my father here's about this!" I say storming out of the Great Hall
Time skip to detention
"Thanks to you two dimwits I am here!" I say angrily
"Well sorry if I react if My Blood sister brother is rude to me!" Yells are
"Blood! I guess you don't know the truth do you Potter!" Says Draco
"What truth!" Says Harry
"That James Potter and Narcissa Malfoy are my parents."
"Our father was never disloyal to our mother!" Says Harry
"I should've know you weren't my full sister! You are evil and planning all those attacks!" Yells Harry
"Crucio!" I say as my vision blurs as Harry scream in pain then I stop and my visionaries back to normal
"You are a disgrace you filthy halfblood!" I say as I run to Slytherin common room
A/n: Maddison just used an illegal charm and used it on Harry!! Will she get in trouble? Will Harry tell Dumbledore? What will Lucius have to say??

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