Back to Hogwarts and On a Quest

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Maddison POV
"What do you think will happen when we get back?" Says Daphne
"Nothing just the usual" says Pansy
"Oh, I can't wait to see Professor Q-Quirrell"
"Yeah the Professor no one can understand" says Draco
"He looks stupid" says Pansy
"Oh! You guys can meet Fluffy"
"Oh I definitely want to see him" says Daphne
"Everyone off the train" says Hagrid
"Come on lets go"
1 month later
"Alright guys come on so I can show you guys Fluffy"
"Why do I want to see a 3 headed dog?" Says Draco
"So when you meet him without me he won't attack you"
"Come on" says Pansy
"Crabbe, Goyle you guys are the look out" says Draco
"You two must scream when you hear some one coming" says Daphne
"Hurry up we are way past curfew" says Pansy
"Ok Alohomora!" I shout as the door goes open
"Hello Maddison lovely to see you tonight" says Fluffy
"You can understand you!" Says Draco
"You can understand him!" Says Daphne
"Yes I can. Fluffy said I can talk to all animals"
"Cool!" Says Pansy
"Fluffy! Meet Draco, Pansy, and Daphne!"
"Wonderful to meet you all! I am here to guard the Philosopher Stone." Says Fluffy
"What did he say?" Says Daphne
"He said it's wonderful to meet you guys and He is in Hogwarts to guard the philosopher stone!"
"Wait as in Nicholas Flamel?!" Says Pansy
"Yeah! How do you know?"
"I heard Potter, Weasel, and MudBlood talking about it!" Says Pansy
"SOMEONE IS COMING!!"yells Crabbe and Goyle as they come in
"Quick! Hide behind Fluffy!"
"Shhh! Be very quiet" says Fluffy
"What did he say" Pansy whispers
"Shhh! Be quiet" I whisper back
"Who is it?"
"Look Fluffy is sleeping" says Hermione?
"The Harp!" Says Harry!
"Let's go!" Says Ronald
"Alright I'm going in first" says Harry
"What are you three doing here!" Yells Pansy as she went from behind Fluffy
"Us what are you six doing down here!" Yells Harry
"Visiting Fluffy, Potter!" Says Draco As we all walk over to them
"Wait the harp stopped"
"Ugh theres saliva in my hair" says Ronald
"AHHHH!" We scream as everyone went everywhere.
I notice that me, Pansy, Daphne, and Draco went in the trapdoor with Harry, Hermione, and Ronald. While Crabbe and Goyle ran outside
"Where are we?" Says Pansy
"Underneath the trapdoor"

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