Triwizard Tourtament?

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Maddison POV
"This food is disgusting!" Says Hadley as she stop eating
"Who makes the food?" Says Hugo and I look at him
"Ugh!" Says Hugo and he stops eating
"Too Rich for Hogwarts?" Says Blaise
"Yes I am Zabini. How about I give us some better" says Hugo as he does a charm that changes to food more like beauxbatons and everyone at Slytherin awe
"Is that even aloud?" I hear Hermione say to Harry
"Let's Dine" says Hugo and everyone take a bite
"This is fantastic!" Says Pansy
Time Skip
"Instead of having Quidditch this year, a very special event is going to take place at Hogwarts." Says Dumbledore
"What!?" Says the Weasley twins but a man appears in the Great Hall
"Who's that?" Says Hadley
"Mad-Eye Moody?" I whisper
"Everyone this is Mad-Eye Moody, the new defense against the dark arts teacher." Says Dumbledore
"What's in his other eye!" Yells Blaise
"What's in that head of yours!" Roars Moody and everyone laughs
"this event is the Triwizard Tournament, which will start at the end of October on Halloween. The Tournament calls for a single champion from each of the three largest wizarding schools in Europe to compete in a series of three trials for the prize of one thousand Galleons." Says Dumbledore
"Does the champion get the £1000 Galleons?" Says Hugo and I shrug
"Both Crouch (Department of International Co-operation) and Bagman's (Department of Games and Sports) departments at the British Ministry of Magic have decided to reinstate the tournament under the condition that new safety rules are used, including that no student under the age of seventeen will submit their name for consideration." Says Dumbledore
"Dumbledore. Sir, may I ask will you have a charm or potion that will forbid students younger than age 17 to put their names in for consideration? If not don't they still have to play after the Goblet of Fire chose them?" I say as everyone looks at me surprised and Dumbledore look shocked
"Well yes Maddison I will. Don't you worry it's a really good and strong charm. Now everyone off to bed" Says Dumbledore
"How do you know about the Goblet of Fire? The Last one was dated in 1792" says Snape as he pulled me aside
"The Goblet of Fire is the impartial judge for the Triwizard Tournament, who chose which students will represent their respective schools during the upcoming tasks of the tournament. ... Once chosen the participants were subject to a binding magical contract in which they can not back out of the tournament. I thought you knew this?"
"How do you know? It's only in one textbook" says Snape staring me in my eye
"Even though it's in Hogwarts: A History, I saw it. Where the three headmaster judges were injured by a rampaging cockatrice. It caused numbers of deaths. The headmaster of beauxbatons daughter Claudette was screaming loudly and some put her under imperious to quiet her" I says as Snape looked worried
"Got to bed now! Don't tell anyone what you saw" says Snape as he goes into his office and I got to my dormitory and sleep.

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