Retrieving the Philosopher's Stone Pt.1

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Maddison POV
"You 4 need to go back" says Hermione
"No way we were here first" says Pansy
"I'm not leaving" says Daphne
"You guys need to listen it's dangerous" says Ron
"I'm not going anywhere Weasel"
"You guys know nothing about-" says Harry before I but him off
"The Philosopher's Stone! Which may I add that Nicholas Flamel gave to Dumbledore so he protect its power from the wrong hands!"
"How did you know that!" Says Hermione
"I knew about all this stuff before you guys and here you are thinking you 3 are the only ones who knew about this!"
"I don't care you're not coming! I'm your brother and that's final" says Harry
"I'm sorry! I'm not taking advise to a person who was neglected and think that he is my father! Knowing my father and mother died 10 years ago in the hands of Voldemort! So don't tell me I AM NOT GOING!!" I say as I walk off
"Ahh!" Screams Daphne as we all fall into devil Snare
"Be calm" Hermione and I say as we fall through
"Maddison! Hermione!" I hear
"Be calm its devil snare! It won't hurt you" I says as Draco, Pansy, and Daphne decided to listen to me.
"Ron! Harry! Be calm or I will kill you!" Says Hermione
"Oh now I can Relax"says Ron as Harry comes down
"Ron just relax!" Says Harry
"I can't!" Says Ron
"Ugh! Lumos!" I say as The devil snare begins to clear and Ron falls out
"Thanks" says Ron to me
"You took to long Ronald"
"Oh no what's this one!" Says Draco as we enter a room with 2 brooms and flying keys
"Oh! I know!" Says Daphne
"What is it?" Says Pansy
"You have to find 2 of the keys to unlock the door! My dad used to play this with me!" Says Daphne
"How are you going to get the keys" sags Harry
"By the two brooms!" Says Hermione and I in unison
"Draco and Harry will search for the two key" says Ron
"Me!" Says Draco
"You are the only one hear who used a broom everyday for 6 years!"
"Ok let's do this" says Draco as he gets the broom
"Do you see the first one Draco?"
"Right there!" He says as when he goes to grab it he falls
"Draco! Are you ok?!" All of us say
"He's unconscious but he got the key" says Pansy
"Pansy and Daphne go take Draco to Madame Pomfrey" I say as I take the key from Pansy
"Will do be safe" says Daphne
"I will now go!"
"Harry you have to get the other key!" Says Hermione
"I might get killed" says Harry
"You won't get killed Harry"
"How do you know that?" Says Harry
"I know this because if you were bad you wouldn't be on the Gryffindor team, you wouldn't have caught the snitch. You can do Harry"
"I can do it" says Harry as he flies up to catch the second one and come back down
"Yes! Harry you're bloody amazing" says Ron
"Come on guys I think it's the next one!" Says Hermione as she unlocks the door
"Is it?"
"Wizards chess" says Ron
"I think we need to play it to get to the other side" says Harry
A/n: The next chapter is Pt.2 where the Wizard Chess, Potion, and Quirrell scenes are going to be.

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