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A week later....
Dear Draco,
I have gotten into Ombrélune. Which is a Slytherin like house. I've met 2 people here, their names are Caroline and Claire. Here's s a picture of them

They are so hard to tell who is who but Claire is calm and Caroline is bubbly Love,Your sister Maddison ____________________________Dear Daphne and Pansy,I hope you both get to read this together

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They are so hard to tell who is who but Claire is calm and Caroline is bubbly
Your sister Maddison
Dear Daphne and Pansy,
I hope you both get to read this together. Beauxbatons between us is WAY better than Hogwarts. Everyone here wears these beautiful clothes according to your house color! Not silly cloaks. I got you two gifts that neither of you had before. Hope you guys like them.
Dear Hermione,
You're going to get this a week after I give letters to my Slytherin family. I heard you say you wanted to know what other wizarding schools are like so I am gifting you this handbook about Beauxbatons.
Maddison Malfoy
Dear Wither,
I am sorry I didn't tell you that I was moving schools but father told me to only tell 2 people. So I picked Daphne and Pansy. Hope you like these lollies from Beauxbatons carriage.
A/n: Next chapter is a Harry POV. Also there is a reason why Harry didn't get a letter. Stay tune for next chapter! 😈😈

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