The Yule Ball

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2 weeks later
Maddison POV
"Oh darling you look wonderful!" Says Mother
"Thank you Mother. I'm glad you were able to come here and help me with my dress"
"Of course I was coming. I remember when Lucius and I went to the Yule Ball together" Says Mother
"It was magical. I know mother you told me that story for years"
"I have, haven't I? Your going to look breathtaking for Hugo. I have to go now" says Mother
"Goodbye Mother I'll owl you" I say as Mother floo back to the manor and I hear a knock at the door
"Can we come in to see the dress?" Says Daphne
"Come in!"
"You look wonderful!"says Pansy
"Wow!" Says Daphne and I laugh
My dress:

 I have to go now" says Mother "Goodbye Mother I'll owl you" I say as Mother floo back to the manor and I hear a knock at the door "Can we come in to see the dress?" Says Daphne "Come in!" "You look wonderful!"says Pansy"Wow!" Says Daphne and I la...

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Daphne dress:

Daphne dress:

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Pansy dress:

"Everyone is downstairs waiting for you three" says Hadley as she comes up "Everyone? Why?" "Snape said it's a tradition for all Slytherins to see everyone's dresses and tux before we go

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"Everyone is downstairs waiting for you three" says Hadley as she comes up
"Everyone? Why?"
"Snape said it's a tradition for all Slytherins to see everyone's dresses and tux before we go." Says Daphne and I nod
"Well let's go down together" I say and we leave my dormitory
"Wait Daphne who's your date?" Says Pansy and I giggle
"Her crush since 1st year, Blaise" I say and Pansy giggle
"Oh shush. Pansy is going with her long time crush, Drakey Poo" says Daphne and we all laugh
"About time you three get down here" says Snape and we go into the common room and everyone claps and we curtesy
"You look splendid" says Hugo as he holds out his hand
"You look lovely as well Hugo"
"Let's go to the great hall" says Hugo and I nod
"Why are we going to the great hall?" Says Pansy and I roll my eyes
"That's where the Yule Ball is located"
"Oh! I knew that." Says Pansy
"Sure you did." Says Hugo and we all laugh
"There you are Malfoy. Are you and Hugo ready to dance?"
"Of course Professor"
"Very well. The rest of you may go into the great hall" says McGonagall
"See you when you walk in" says Draco as we hug each other and everyone else go in
"Harry!" I say as I hug him
"You look wonderful Maddison, our dad will be proud." Says Harry
"Your mother will also be proud of you Harry"
"Harry look!" I say as I see Hermione stick her head out then walk down the stairs
"Wow!" Says Harry as we both smile at her and she smiles back
"Everyone here? Yes alright go in" says McGonagall and the doors open by their selves
We go in a line in pairs first is Fleur and Roger, then Hermione and Victor, next Cedric and Cho, after was Harry and Parvati, finally Hugo and I
"Tonight was fun and calm until Ronald decided to ruin everything. He technically ruined Hermione night after the ball and I was stuck in her dormitory comforting her.
Here's a video to look at the Yule ball:

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