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Maddison POV
"Did you see you father? In the Daily Prophet? Pathetic. Bet he begged Rita Skeeter to put him in." Says Draco as he walks over to Ron
"Shove off Malfoy" says Harry as he restrains a angry Ron
"Didn't  your mother teach you manners? Show respect to your superiors" says Hugo to Ron
"I course not. His mother is a common whore. Having more children that she can afford" says Draco
"That's enough Draco" I say as I try to get Draco away
"Your mother is a whore herself" says Harry to Draco
"How dare you!" Says Draco as he tries to hex Harry but he's transfigured into a ferret my Moody
"I'll teach a lesson boy!" Says Moody as he bounces ferret Draco around
"Stop! Leave my brother alone!" I shout and McGonagall appears
"Leave Mr.Malfoy alone Moody. We punish children by telling their head of house or giving detention" says McGonagall as she transfigure Draco back
"Wait till my father here about this" says Draco as Moody take Draco, Hugo and I to Snape office
"You may go Maddison" says Snape and I leave and go to the library to do extracurricular work
"Didn't think I'll see you here" says Hermione and I look at her
"I'm doing extra work"
"That's the reason I also came here" says Hermione weirdly
"What is it?"
"What?" Says Hermione
"I'm not dumb Hermione. Your acting weird"
"Ok. I'm sorry for what Harry said" says Hermione and she looks at me with pity
"My mother isn't a whore, so stop giving me that poor excuse of a pity look. If you're going to apologize for what Harry said be my guest! I'm not accepting no apologies until Harry himself apologize to me first." I say as I walk out of the library
"Maddison wait!" Yells Hermione but I just keep walking
The Next Day
"Can we have a moment alone?" Says Harry
"Sure" I say as we go into the Room of Requirement
"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking, I forgot to watch what I say" says Harry and I tear up
"Yeah you wasn't thinking. You had no right to bring my mother in arguments with Draco. Especially when your mother is dead. I didn't mean to go that far"
"No I'm sorry" Says Harry
"I don't want you near me Harry. It's just for a little. I need some space. I love you" I say as I hug Harry
"I love you too little sis" says Harry as he hugs me back and after minutes I go to lunch

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